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My guy friend/crush who has a gf


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Alright, I'm best friends with this guy, and I realized a while ago that I really really like him--but yesterday when we were passing notes in class I found out he has a gf.

In spirit of Halloween, my school has an annual dance, and I went to it. This guy a month or so ago said he would hang out with me a little when he could (he's VP of student council, and therefore partly in-charge of the dance) but he hung out mostly with his gf while he wasn't selling pop or pizza. This really is not relevant, however--my whorish acquaintance was looking for a hot guy, and several times before the dance I'd mentioned him and even shown his picture to her.

She wanted to meet him, even when I'd told her several times he has a gf. She didn't talk to him or anything, but probably gave up after I'd chased her around the cafeteria and dragged her away from him--all the way to the other side of the room.

I really wish I wouldn't have shown him to her--even though it's possible he didn't even notice when my whorish acquaintance (who, in the dark, could not find him) and I crept a little closer so she could get a better look at him--but he, being one to always surprise people, especially me, probably, indeed, noticed. Later that night when I went to the opening of Bat Boy, my school's Halloween play--whoop-de-do~! What a coincedence--he was there, too.

He was there with his gf, as well. And I have a feeling she noticed my other friend.

She kept sending me glares during the intermissions.

When this guy and I said hi, both times that night, it felt awkward and a little tense and strange--but that might have been my imagination. After all, in our ceramics class when a kid dropped his pot into the glaze and tank splashed it all over me and several other people and I got angry (I felt horribly terrible, because I practically backhanded, metaphorically speaking, the poor kid) afterward I thought he would distance himself from me, because it was very...petty of me, I suppose, because the glaze would wash right out. But Lo-and-behold, when I talked to him the day after, he was his calm, casual, humorous self; and we were still BFFs.

But now, this was different--and a hell of a lot more serious.

When I talked to him yesterday at the play, it felt almost as if he was angry at me (but, as I stated before, it could have been my imagination).

I've been trying to convince myself to get over him, but I doubt I will--we see eachother every day and are going to be attending the same Highschool.

In short, I think my crush/(maybe ex-)guy friend hates my guts because I showed my whorish acquaintance him, and she proclaimed to pretty much all within hearing range and those who could hear over the music that she thought he was hot. Now, I'm pretty sure his gf hates me, and I kind of think he does, too--I'm not totally sure, I've misread his signals before. I think our friendship no longer exists, now, but I still really really like him.


What in hell should I do?



Terribly confused and Possibly Hated

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Alright, I'm best friends with this guy, and I realized a while ago that I really really like him--but yesterday when we were passing notes in class I found out he has a gf.

In spirit of Halloween, my school has an annual dance, and I went to it. This guy a month or so ago said he would hang out with me a little when he could (he's VP of student council, and therefore partly in-charge of the dance) but he hung out mostly with his gf while he wasn't selling pop or pizza. This really is not relevant, however--my whorish acquaintance was looking for a hot guy, and several times before the dance I'd mentioned him and even shown his picture to her.

She wanted to meet him, even when I'd told her several times he has a gf. She didn't talk to him or anything, but probably gave up after I'd chased her around the cafeteria and dragged her away from him--all the way to the other side of the room.

I really wish I wouldn't have shown him to her--even though it's possible he didn't even notice when my whorish acquaintance (who, in the dark, could not find him) and I crept a little closer so she could get a better look at him--but he, being one to always surprise people, especially me, probably, indeed, noticed. Later that night when I went to the opening of Bat Boy, my school's Halloween play--whoop-de-do~! What a coincedence--he was there, too.

He was there with his gf, as well. And I have a feeling she noticed my other friend.

She kept sending me glares during the intermissions.

When this guy and I said hi, both times that night, it felt awkward and a little tense and strange--but that might have been my imagination. After all, in our ceramics class when a kid dropped his pot into the glaze and tank splashed it all over me and several other people and I got angry (I felt horribly terrible, because I practically backhanded, metaphorically speaking, the poor kid) afterward I thought he would distance himself from me, because it was very...petty of me, I suppose, because the glaze would wash right out. But Lo-and-behold, when I talked to him the day after, he was his calm, casual, humorous self; and we were still BFFs.

But now, this was different--and a hell of a lot more serious.

When I talked to him yesterday at the play, it felt almost as if he was angry at me (but, as I stated before, it could have been my imagination).

I've been trying to convince myself to get over him, but I doubt I will--we see eachother every day and are going to be attending the same Highschool.

In short, I think my crush/(maybe ex-)guy friend hates my guts because I showed my whorish acquaintance him, and she proclaimed to pretty much all within hearing range and those who could hear over the music that she thought he was hot. Now, I'm pretty sure his gf hates me, and I kind of think he does, too--I'm not totally sure, I've misread his signals before. I think our friendship no longer exists, now, but I still really really like him.


What in hell should I do?



Terribly confused and Possibly Hated

The best thing to do, is to follow your heart. I highly doubt that your friendship with him, is over. I've learned, over the course of just a year, that the best thing to do, is to not do anything. The better things will come to you if you know whats right. If your friendship is really over with him, then your in the same place as i am. Me Going to High school this past September and i lost my closest friend and I'm forced to put up with seeing her everyday in the Hallways. I know it may be hard, but you may have to learn to push him away and he could try and find his way back to you.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The best thing to do, is to follow your heart. I highly doubt that your friendship with him, is over. I've learned, over the course of just a year, that the best thing to do, is to not do anything. The better things will come to you if you know whats right. If your friendship is really over with him, then your in the same place as i am. Me Going to High school this past September and i lost my closest friend and I'm forced to put up with seeing her everyday in the Hallways. I know it may be hard, but you may have to learn to push him away and he could try and find his way back to you.

hey, thanks for answering. It's helped me a lot, you know? Man, I'm sorry about you and your friend--must be terrible. thanks again, though--and yeah, you were right. We're still awesome friends. And yes, it could be a hell of a lot worse. :)

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