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cutting a friendship

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i have no REAL friends.

i have one girl who i ashamedly use to go out with her and her freinds in order to make myself look normal to the rest of the owrld.


one nite i went to their house party and looked around and thot if i left jno one would really care


i have since thot that i should cut cords with this girl because i dont actually really like her at all. in fact she's quite nasty and in a way, i think a bit resentful of me cos i have a loving boyfriend (thats all ive got)


the more i keep up this veneer the less chance i have of putting my enregy into making true proper friends (ones that really care for me who r happy ive finally found love and sad for me when things go wrong)


what do u think? should i cut cord completely, avoid her till it fizzles out or keepher in my life (we've known each other 10 years)


please help


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You said yourself that she is nasty and you don't really like her at all, so you already answered your own question. What's holding you back?


And please, while I know it is hard for some folks, try to avoid using "texting" typing on the forums. It's such an affront to the english language.

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milkshake, you also had a thread, "all alone at 22"...

The problem isn't necessarily other people, it could be that you have a problem making friends and opening up. If this other girl has plenty of other friends, or at least, people who talk to her.... maybe you need to address your own input.


And yes, please use English, in a way others will understand! I didn't get some of your post, at all! :cool:

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