XNemesisX Posted September 1, 2003 Share Posted September 1, 2003 I was just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on the use of ouija boards and demon posession. I have experimented with ouija and cryptique boards on and off for years and enjoy getting my tarot cards read/seeing psychics and the like. I'm not completely sure if I believe in the ouija board's real authenticity because I'm always a little suspicious of who ever is playing it with me, that they might be moving it either consciously or subconsciously. However, the last time me and my friend played on the cryptique board it seemed very real.. at one point neither of our fingers were even touching the pointer and it was moving like crazy all over the board! It also spelled out some "riddle like" things that we later figured out. I don't see how we could have came up with these. Needless to say this has had me weirded out. Also, recently I talked to a guy who is a hard core Christian (as I like to call very religious people). He warned me to stop "dabbling" in the occult. He says that demons are real and they are who you are talking to on ouija boards and they are the ones behind tarot cards and all that stuff. He said that by dabbling in the occult you can actually become demon posessed because you are "inviting" evil spirits in. I am a skeptic and I never really have full fledged believed in that stuff. However, at times I can be a little unsure. I was just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on this and if you really think the "occult" can be dangerous. Link to post Share on other sites
Heidi2 Posted September 1, 2003 Share Posted September 1, 2003 I view that whole game fake.. and not because I don't think that the supernatural (perhaps) is real or not, but because that game, in my opinion works by our own hands & reactions to stand still or not!! Just my opinion... Link to post Share on other sites
Kelebek Posted September 1, 2003 Share Posted September 1, 2003 I've done a version of the ouija board, it freaked me out but it was extremely exciting! I've never experienced anything like it, I still can't quite believe it when I think back to it. I've never done it since, I'm afraid that it wouldn't work and I'd be disappointed. I did hear one thing though ages ago, that you have to "close" the oujia board? By asking the spirits if you may leave. I'm not sure, but I think it closes the spiritual door that the ghosts come through, just in case you experience any nasties and don't want them to follow you around lol. Just like your friend said can happen. It's quite scary, but it's addictive!! God, I sound crazy haha. I am normal, really. Link to post Share on other sites
Arcane Posted September 1, 2003 Share Posted September 1, 2003 as a general rule, christians think that anything that doesn't fit into their belief structure is evil and "against god's word" or some other such nonsense. I usually just tend to ignore these fanatics. Link to post Share on other sites
Ryan Posted September 1, 2003 Share Posted September 1, 2003 Also, recently I talked to a guy who is a hard core Christian (as I like to call very religious people). He warned me to stop "dabbling" in the occult. He says that demons are real and they are who you are talking to on ouija boards and they are the ones behind tarot cards and all that stuff. He said that by dabbling in the occult you can actually become demon posessed because you are "inviting" evil spirits in. This is exactly why you don't go to religious nuts for information. I ****ing hate those people...this is the same kind of babble spat out over the years to persecute ANYONE who didn't fall in line with the Buy-Bull. Ouija boards are just for fun....don't make much out of it. Tarot cards are really just a subconscious tool. The idea is that the subconscious mind knows the past, present, and future. It's the same idea that if we could tap into our entire brainpower, we'd be gods of our own. You handle the cards and have them dealt under the assumption that the subconscious mind is purposely laying out the truth that it knows. You could do Tarot with a normal deck of playing cards really...just assign meaning to the different cards. I've found that the accuracy is maybe 50/50....which makes it more of a mental diversion/exercise than farseeing. Psychics.....there are quite a few charlatans in that field. However, some of those people are amazingly gifted. Even police investigative units and military planners have used psychics. I've known a few (personally...they had nothing to gain from me) that could be in a certain situation and come up with uncanny detail about a place or person. There's another possible definition of the "occult" and that is in the Pagan/Wiccan religions. Christians have been trying to rid the planet of these people for CENTURIES. They slaughtered them in the British Isles and they'd love to keep them locked up as psychos today. It's sad....because the vast majority of Pagan/Wiccan followers are regular members of society that NEVER push their beliefs on others. They are the most tolerant people I know. They often believe in any energy, good or bad, returning to you 3-fold. It's quite common for their ceremonies to end in "and it harm none." But simply because they choose to worship a multitude of nature-based and otherwise obscured deities....they get villified. They aren't out sacrificing babies or drinking goat blood - that's Hollywood. I'm sure you can find a wealth of information about Paganism or Wicca through a simple Google search....I believe we might have a few members here as well, but it is entirely their choice if they wish to speak on the matter. In the future, don't look for knowledge/wisdom from the religiously blind. They have none. Link to post Share on other sites
moimeme Posted September 1, 2003 Share Posted September 1, 2003 I have two good friends who are neither religious kooks nor any other sort of flake. Both experienced fairly frightening events they are still at a loss to explain and, no, there is definitely no rational explanation for what happened to them. There may not be 'demons' per se but we still don't know or understand everything about everything; I figure some of these things might come down to physics and string theory. The truth is out there Link to post Share on other sites
Annex Posted September 2, 2003 Share Posted September 2, 2003 hey nemesis.. lay off the acid. the ouiji board pointer didn't move. gimme a break. Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon22 Posted September 2, 2003 Share Posted September 2, 2003 Originally posted by YX32Nemesis Needless to say this has had me weirded out. Also, recently I talked to a guy who is a hard core Christian (as I like to call very religious people). He warned me to stop "dabbling" in the occult. He says that demons are real and they are who you are talking to on ouija boards and they are the ones behind tarot cards and all that stuff. He said that by dabbling in the occult you can actually become demon posessed because you are "inviting" evil spirits in. YX32 Nemesis, This religious guy who you speak of is correct in what he says. I am a semi-religious person who understands the Catholic faith, but doesn't necessarilly believe in all of it. Anyways, while in school we were taught a lot about demon possession and excercisms, etc. Ouija Boards, seonces (sp?) and that sort of things is opening a door for evil. I don't care what religion you are or aren't, evil is something that does exist, and it exists in other "powers and beings" beyond all of us. I am not a religious nut, or psychotic. I have experienced evil in a very bad form. I know you all are thinking that I am crazy right now, but it didn't only happen to me, but it happened to my boyfriend at the time and my roommate....and it came in waves over a one week time period. To make a long story short, this is what happened..... My roommate was experimenting with seonces(sp?) and one night we decided to go to a cemetary in Historical Marshall, MI (Near Kalamazoo and Battle Creek, MI). All three of us did the seonce thing and nothing happened that night. Two days later my roommate and I were watching a movie in our living room, when all of a sudden our bathroom faucet turned on full force, turned off, then turned back on again. This went on for about 2 hours, and both of us were too freaked out to touch it or do anything. But we just stood there watching the nozel turn all by itself, back and forth, back and forth. It stopped when we began praying. A week later my boyfriend (at the time) and I were just falling asleep in his appartment, me faced down with my head resting on my arms, and he lying on his back, facing the ceiling. And just after falling asleep I had this dream, which startled me awake, that "Steve" was not himself, he was something evil. The only thing I could think of is that he was the devil....but it was like it wasn't even me that was thinking that, it was as if something else had control of my thoughts. I finally reached over, hesitantly, and brushed his face with my hand. It was Steve, "my imagination had just run wild", I thought to myself. Not two minutes later did he shoot straight up in bed! I asked him what was wrong, and he said (and I **** you not) "You aren't Haley, who the F*ck are you? Get the hell outa' here"! I quickely grabbed his hand (as he was facing away from me) and put it to my face to let him know that it really was me. He turned around and we were both crying. We stayed up the rest of the night and just held eachother and said an occasional prayer...which was odd for him because he's an athiest, but that experience made him pray...that should give you an idea of how freaky it was! After that there were small things that happened here and there to my roommate, like visions of people standing on the sidewalk, when there really wasn't anyone there, and a vision of a man hanging himself in our bedroom doorway. We learned to ignore them and it eventually went away. I said my prayers and my roommate and steve did their own thing to ignore it too. But there was something that made all of that happen. I really don't think that we were posessed, but there was something that was over-powering our thoughts. If you are interested in learning about posession and demons, then look up a man named "Malichy Martin" (sp?). He was (died a little while ago) a priest for several years who performed exorcisms, and was an aid for accuracy on the set of the film THE EXORCIST. He has done many speeches on the subject and you should be able to find many of his writtings on line. What I have said here did happen to me, my former roommate, and x-boyfriend. It was something that I wish I had never experienced and something that I wish on no-one, not even my greatest of enemies. That said, I hope your curiosity finds another path. -Haley Link to post Share on other sites
Ryan Posted September 2, 2003 Share Posted September 2, 2003 Who gets freaked out over a faucet...for 2 HOURS?!?! Did not a single investigative thought enter your mind....like trying to figure out what was up with the plumbing? It's not like a green flame came out of it. I fear for the longevity of people who are this simple, really. Methinks the only thing that haunted you was yourself and those "teachwashings" you were subject to. Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon22 Posted September 2, 2003 Share Posted September 2, 2003 Yes, we did think of the plumbing, change in water preasure, etc. We asked our neighbors if anyting happened to their water and they said it was normal, and we even had them check it out too, freaked the hell out of all 5 of them. Oh, and are you calling me simple? I may be nieve at times, or too open-minded...but simple is something that I am certainly not! Crap like that can and does happen all of the time. I am not going to sit here and argue with you. All I can say is that it did happen. I cannot explain everything behind it, just that I hope that nothing like that happens to me again. And I assume you are saying that i was brain-washed? Please!!!!!! The stuff that I learned in school about all of that stuff was an "extra-curricular" program for students and their parents to attend if they had any questions on the subject. I got a bit interested in it and so did my father,he had seen Malichy Martin speak before and this church program was focussed on his research. I welcome you to contact any Arch Diocese in the US and ask about demon posession. It's an interesting subject, something not to be taken lightly, or too heavilly. I am not going to sit here and tell you that you have to believe it's real, I am only telling you of my experience and how i perceived it. I don't need any one knocking me about it, It's been done before. To me, the Ouija board is a dangerous medium not to be played with. The realms of possibilities that it holds is endless and unknowing, much like any other form of it's kind. Link to post Share on other sites
Ryan Posted September 2, 2003 Share Posted September 2, 2003 7 people...and not a damn one of them with a pipe wrench. At least you admit it was your perception.....and I'm calling it simple. I'd have been under that sink trying to figure things out rather than playing "see no evil." I welcome you to contact any Arch Diocese in the US and ask about demon posession. I'd put more stock in sitting on Santa's lap and asking for a toy train. Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon22 Posted September 2, 2003 Share Posted September 2, 2003 Well, Ryan... You may be cute, but you sure are a dick! We all have our own faiths, beliefs, ideas, etc., but that doesn't mean that we have to sit here and bash eacthother on them. As far as pipe-wrenches are concerned, you can take yours and shove it where the sun doesn't shine! You didn't have to turn into an A** over the subject. -Haley Link to post Share on other sites
Ryan Posted September 2, 2003 Share Posted September 2, 2003 I'm just being real. That story is funny to the point of disbelief. I'm just having a very hard time picturing grown adults cowering to a faucet. If you want to believe there is a god, soul, heaven, hell...whatever. That's fine. But you're talking about a sink. There's nothing supernatural about a sink. I'd hope in the future you exhaust the concrete possibilities before jumping to abstractions. I'm still trying to figure out what was so evil about the whole situation. It all reeks of self-induced paranoia. If skepticism makes me a dick....then so be it. Link to post Share on other sites
moimeme Posted September 2, 2003 Share Posted September 2, 2003 I'd put more stock in sitting on Santa's lap ! Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon22 Posted September 2, 2003 Share Posted September 2, 2003 Cowering to a faucet? Not quite my dear! It just gave us a good scare! Picture this; Two 21 year old girls living in an apartment, just sitting there watching a movie, and all of a sudden their bathroom sink turns on, full blast. Uhm, would that not freak you out? I was not saying that it was brought on by evil, but it wasn't water pressure or a malfunction of the pipes. There was just a string of freaky events that happened to us, and that just happened to be what we considered the first one. You have yet to comment on the other things that happened, I'm anxious for your thoughts on those, or haven't you thought of something logical yet? Cause I sure as hell haven't! -Haley ps- now I would like to discuss this as mature adults, without you thinking that I am psychotic, it's an interesting thing to talk about when you're not bashing it too. Link to post Share on other sites
moimeme Posted September 2, 2003 Share Posted September 2, 2003 Haley - this is a lost cause. There are people who believe that man knows all there is to know now and that everything can be proven empirically. Arguments such as this with folks such as that are pointless. I usually challenge such an individual to prove to me empirically that love or life exists but somehow they never take up that challenge. Both concepts are as ephemeral as the idea of god or thought or - well, really any abstract. It's a simple flaw in logic but even pointing that out won't work. IMHO, we choose what we will believe and then throw up rationalizations around it but really it all boils down to choice rather than decision based on intellectual considerations. Link to post Share on other sites
HokeyReligions Posted September 2, 2003 Share Posted September 2, 2003 How funny you should write that about your faucet! Almost the same thing happened to my mother and I. Do you happen to remember the name of the faucet? I can't remember now - I think it began with a "C" (I know it was not a moen faucet). Anyway - this was back in the late '60's or early '70s and mom and I were watching TV when the kitchen faucet turned on. We heard the water and went in to check it out and it was actually the knob that had been turned. We turned it off and went back to TV. It happened several times over the next few hours and each time the knob was turned on. We finally turned the water off at the source and called a plumber the next day. What caused it was a problem with the washer in the knob. The water pressure would build up and instead of just dripping like a faucet does when the washer wears down, the water pressure builds up and actually turns the knob until the faucet is turned on. The plumber said he'd seen a lot of that with that particular faucet system and sometimes it would "fix itself" because the washer would eventually be turned around and seated properly. All he did was take the knob off and seat the washer properly and we never had a problem with it. I don't even know if that faucet is made any more and I can't remember the name of it, darn it! As for thoughts on qujia boards & demons - I think the first is just a game and the second is just a name used to denote something scary. I consider myself agnostic, but something strange did happen to me once (which is why I guess I'm agnostic and not outright athiest) In Gettysburg PA, visiting the battlefield, I saw one of the reinactors motion for me. I followed him and he pointed down to the ground and when I waved at him, he waved back and ran off. When I got to where he pointed I found an old bullet (there are hundreds of them still around there - most buried or covered) but this one just had a few leaves over it. I picked it up and when we got back to the museum I asked one of the docents and showed him the bullet and he said it was definetly from the battle and that occassionaly someone would find one. I asked him why the actor didn't just pick it up and keep it, and he said "what actor?" I explained about seeing a civil war reinactor in a tattered grey confederate uniform motion for me and point to where the bullet was. He was maybe 10 - 15 yards from me so I didn't see him too clearly, he had brown hair and beard. The docent, and a curator who had come over by then, said that there were no reinactors on the field that day, and in fact would not be there for another month (we were visiting in the off-season). Apparently others had reported seeing that same man and had found other things that he pointed out - the leather rim of a canteen, other bullets, broken metal - maybe from a buckle, things like that. So what did I see? A memory? A bit of energy lingering there that my mind intrepreted as a soldier because of where I was? A vision that existed only in my mind? I don't know. Link to post Share on other sites
moimeme Posted September 2, 2003 Share Posted September 2, 2003 It happened several times over the next few hours and each time the knob was turned on. We finally turned the water off at the source and called a plumber the next day. Yes, but in Amazon's story, the faucet stopped when they started praying and didn't do it again. Bit of a difference. When I was on my honeymoon, we stayed at an old inn. In the inn was a portrait of a man. The innkeeper told me how throughout her childhood they'd endure things like dishes flying out of cupboards, doors opening by themselves, etc. It was this man who was the house ghost. They befriended the spook and never felt fear from him. That night at dinner, I went down to the basement washroom. I'm not a person who gets spooked and, while I do believe there may be spirits, I haven't encountered any nor thought I had. I have known when I was about to win a prize, though, and an awful lot of times people have answered questions - out of the blue and out of context - that I hadn't yet asked them. Anyway, I got quite an odd feeling while I was in the basement and remarked on my return that if there was a ghost anyplace in that inn, it was the basement. The next day I found out that the fellow in question had been murdered in the basement. Link to post Share on other sites
quankanne Posted September 2, 2003 Share Posted September 2, 2003 a friend of mine from college refuses to visit cemetaries anymore, because she claims she can hear voices of the inhabitants buried there. All this talk of spirits is a bit spooky to say the least! Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon22 Posted September 3, 2003 Share Posted September 3, 2003 Last night while I was posting my experience on here and going back and forth with Ryan, The hotel right down the street from mine was robbed and the Night Auditor was shot to death. That was at a Holiday Inn and I work at a Hampton. It was only a mile down the road and I didn't hear anything about it until the 1st shift lady came in. It was a random robbery gone bad, not an "inside deal". The odd thing about it all is that while I was posting about all of this scary stuff last night I was actually praying silently because just writing about the odd experiences was freakin me out. Like I said it was a random robbery, could have been my hotel, could have been me who was shot. Maybe prayers really do help...whatever the case, God was listening. The woman who was shot was 35 and a mother of 3 small children. Say some prayers for her. Her name was Michelle. -Haley Link to post Share on other sites
Bill Posted September 3, 2003 Share Posted September 3, 2003 "Probability" Weird events occur all the time. I'd like to see ONE piece of evidence of something supernatural happening. I've been dared to walk into old haunted buildings, and NOTHING comes of it. Houdini tried as well. http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Stage/3487/spiritualism.html Link to post Share on other sites
jenny Posted September 3, 2003 Share Posted September 3, 2003 i think what is generally pleasing and rigourous about rationality is the constant explicit assumption that it is a human-made intellectual construction. as is religion. we invented these stories, and they afford some people a great deal of pleasure and drama in their lives. what concerns me, however, is the surreal problematic relationship moment between you and your boyfriend; and blaming the superhuman is a great way to obscure actual human problems. i'm also alarmed by the idea of "the helplessness of girls," again enabled by the convenient religious fear of the unknown. i have some friends who struggle with their faith; i am interested in the history and doctrine of different faiths. but flooded apartments and possessed relationships? these stories just hide the more interesting (to my mind) human element. p.s. i gotta say i love imagining the Hasbro Brothers bargaining for franchise rights over the undead. Link to post Share on other sites
jenny Posted September 3, 2003 Share Posted September 3, 2003 in addition, you could take some kind of social action about Michelle. maybe volunteer some time at a woman's shelter or in a group that examines the root causes of poverty and crime. Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon22 Posted September 3, 2003 Share Posted September 3, 2003 Obviously you people don't understand what I am trying to say.... Jenny, what does volunteering at a womans shelter or joining a group that examines the root of poverty and crime have to do with anything here? Michelle, the Night Auditor who was murdered last night was a very nice woman who I had spoken with many times over the phone for our local business statistic reports. It just shocked me beyond all belief! Knowing that it could have very easily been my hotel that was robbed, and me that was killed makes me realize how precious our lives really are. Our lives can be taken from us in an instant! All I was saying is that perhaps due to me praying last night somehow God was listening and was watching over me. I am Catholic, and I may not be a devout Catholic, but I still believe in God and I have faith in Prayer! When I was 2 days old (still in the hospital due to the under-development of my lungs) I stopped breathing, could not be revived, and was pronounced dead. Five minutes went by, and while my mother was holding my "dead" body in her arms for the last time and praying, somehow I began breathing again. That doesn't happen every day. And it is most certainly not a line of bull! There were 4 family members, a doctor, 2 nurses, and a priest in the room at the time and each one of them has told the story of what happened. It was on the news and in the papers. Sure, there is probably a scientific and medical reason behind it, but science does not always make things happen the way we hope. In this case perhaps a prayer helped that specific scientific factor out. So, maybe that will give you some sort of idea why I have faith in prayer. You can make all of the jokes you like about the Catholic faith, but I am proud of who I am and what I believe in. God created us with the intention of diverstiy, unity, and love. It's a shame that many of you cannot take your diverse culture, religion, faiths, etc. and that of others and learn from it rather than bash it. I was simply stating my beliefs and experiences, that is all. Call me crazy, call me a dreamer, heck, you can even call me Al..........but never, ever, call me on my faith. -Haley Link to post Share on other sites
my_mother's_daughter Posted September 3, 2003 Share Posted September 3, 2003 I've only jus come to this post, and it looks as though it has been a good one, I hate when that happens. Many areas have been addressed here, psychic phenomena, christianity, prayer, demonic theory, paganism. Hmm.. ***I was just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on the use of ouija boards and demon posession*** QUOTE I do. In the vast majority of cases the board's productivity lies solely in the hands of the operators unconscious, although I would never be so arrogant to insist that there is nothing more to it. Demon possession? I believe in the essence of evil, but as an act in and of itself: I believe that the norm would be people with evil intent, there is no black magic for instance, just people using elements with bad intentions. Again however I would not be so arrogant as to dismiss entirely the idea of possession, although many cases have turned out to be psychiatric in origin rather than supernatural. Also, recently I talked to a guy who is a hard core Christian (as I like to call very religious people). He warned me to stop "dabbling" in the occult. He says that demons are real and they are who you are talking to on ouija boards and they are the ones behind tarot cards and all that stuff. He said that by dabbling in the occult you can actually become demon posessed because you are "inviting" evil spirits in I have 2 opinions: Yes, in theory, should real psychic connection be etsablished we cannot assume that all forces are good. However, I'm a little wary of Chistian teachings (absolutely no offence intended to Christians, I have met many and some of them will even speak to me ...) but for Centuries the Christian dogma has sought to obliterate any teachings which run contrary to its own, and in doing so, well let's just say the authorities of that religion have condoned and in many cases initiated great harm upon many harmless, helpless people. I was just wondering if anyone .... really think(s) the "occult" can be dangerous This is such a big area, the "occult" can refer to anything from alchemy to astrology, and each area carries its own arguments. I personally believe that we can affect the world in so much as what we do we shall receive upon ourselves, and as such it is important to seek to have a positive effect on the world and upon fellow human beings. It is as important to recognise the place of the natural and the 'supernatural' as much as it is to acknowledge the existence of a God/Gods/Goddesses. I also believe that we can all believe whatever we wish and it is our duty to respect the beliefs of everyone, and to never enforce your own beliefs onto others. We will all arrive at where we wish to find ourselves spiritually in our own way, and guiding/coaxing someone there is distortion. Getting back to what I said earlier, many Christians condemn the beliefs of others simply because they deviate from what Christianity teaches is the one truth. THIS is why I am wary, I do not accept one truth and feel uneasy around a religion which seems to enforce this for acceptance into its sphere. Most wiccans laugh at the many distorted beliefs held by others about them, becuse in the majority of cases they ARE quite funny. Most know better and so are able to dismiss it for the nonsense it is. I know that this has gone slightly off topic, but I really felt a need to speak here. Oh, and Ryan: "An ye harm none, do what ye will". (Wiccan Rede) Link to post Share on other sites
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