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Is it too early to say... or should I wait... ?

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I am really confused here !


I have recently met a girl... and call it love at first sight or whatever... I am not able to take my mind off her. She stays near my place... I get along very well all of our friends.. but am very uncomfortable when she is around.


All our friends noticed that we both are uncomfortable with each other and cool with others. She comes to visit me and I go to visit her at her place... and all those things work as usual.


I am an Aquarian and she is a Gemini.... I really am not able to stop myself. Should I go ahead and ask her "The-billion-dollar-question" ? I want to get into a serious relationship now.


What I feel as it is so soon for both of us we donot have any adulteration of feelings.... I feel so much for her and she behaves as if she does (I belive !) its better to break the ice now ?


What should I do ? Wait till we get more friends or go ahead now !!!

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I am really confused here, too!!!


It's hard to answer your question, not knowing what the customs are in your country. You do not sound like you are from America.


If you were from one of many countries in the world, I would advise you to date this lady for a period of time, take her out to movies, walks, dancing, dining, etc. before you ask her the "billion dollar question."


My ten-cent question for you is why would you want to be in a serious relationship with someone you are not comfortable around? I am assuming this discomfort is because you like her so much and that is understandable. But I urge you to get to know her better, if your customs permit, before going further.


Otherwise, govern yourself according to the customs of your country...or hers. Good luck.

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I am really confused here, too!!! It's hard to answer your question, not knowing what the customs are in your country. You do not sound like you are from America. If you were from one of many countries in the world, I would advise you to date this lady for a period of time, take her out to movies, walks, dancing, dining, etc. before you ask her the "billion dollar question." My ten-cent question for you is why would you want to be in a serious relationship with someone you are not comfortable around? I am assuming this discomfort is because you like her so much and that is understandable. But I urge you to get to know her better, if your customs permit, before going further. Otherwise, govern yourself according to the customs of your country...or hers. Good luck.

Thanx Tony !


As U ve gussed it I am from India... I used to live in JAX, USA for an year.. and was in London, UK during the previous years.


The main problem is I not cannot relate to the customs here very well ... and am not very sure how much they have changed...


I really would like to go out with her before popping up the big question... unfortunately I do not have much time to do that... I need to get back to USA ... to stay back for long time to come... may be by the time I get back to India.. she would be married.


Why I thought I could pop the question was .... I am really becoming restless.... I have many GFs before.... this ones ..like an Angel ..for me!!! Its getting to withold my feelings for her ..as it would make everyone around us too consious about us. And if things go wrong atleat I have way to get away.


I was told by one my friends(a girl) that not pay too much attention to her... try and ignore her.. which will make her more interested in me... and thats the reason why I am in soup... Too attracted... but cannot say that !!!.. U know !


Thanx anyways.... wait it better I guess !

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Well, if you don't have time for the ritual, go straight to the question.


You have nothing to lose. If she is interested and will wait for you...or correspond with you and eventally join you...then you've got it made. If she is not interested, there are approximately 268,000,000 single ladies from which I'm sure there is an equally attractive candidate.


I also want to warn you that you seem infatuated with this lady and you have given her attributes that you have not adequately verified. Often people look wonderful at first and it's only after a lengthy dating process that you find out the truth. Your testosterone is moving through your bloodstream at a frantic pace now and you will be leaving soon.


If you work it out to achieve some sort of relationship with her, leave yourself an exit in case your princess turns out later to be a nightmare.


I am assuming you are Indian too. If not, you have a lot of customs and traditions to get used to...customs that would be a serious barrier to a successful relationship between an American and a lady from India.

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Thanx Again, Tony !


I am Indian too!


I really didn't think of that... it could be infatuation !


Thanx again for pointing that to me. I am 25 & a project manager in a software firm, by profession..and she is 22 & Chartered Accountant by profession. I used to think I am was a very matured guy.... but I really missed out the infatuation angle...


Let me become more friends with her... and then ... POP CRACKLE.. SNAP... As I travel a lot I really need a person who loves me... to beat the blues of being away from home.. and all those cultural & work pressures.


I need to be more relaxed.. which I think will help me understand her & the situation well.



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