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Really depressed after he went home yesterday...not alone??

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Hey everyone!


I am new here. :) Lately I have been feeling so alone in dealing with my LDR, but then I realized there must be a place where others can relate!!


Looking at many people's posts I realized I am definitely not alone, and not even the furthest away by any means. Danny and I have been together for over 2 years now, and for the past 1 1/2 I have been at school in VA and he is back in MI working. We met when I was a sophomore at another college when I was 19 and he was 22... two years later I am 21 and he will be 25 soon. Our relationship is honestly stronger than ever after the move, and we have gotten more serious and supportive in all that we do. He has been my best friend since we day one!! We are fortunate to see each other at least once a month, despite the costs of airfare and everything.


We always have the most amazing times together, but when it comes time to leave we both cry. But my crying keeps going for DAYS!!!! haha Maybe I am just an emotional girl, but I really want to just concentrate how much fun we had and how special our relationship is. He is so strong and says the sweetest things, but then I seem to get annoyed that I am more upset. It makes me feel bad, though. We have plans to move closer next year after I graduate college, but I can't seem to get out of the here-and-now!


So, I guess I was just wondering if anyone else feels this way and/or if they have any suggestions to deal?


Thanks! :)



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Hey Karina,


Its gonna be soon before you guys are reunited. Hang in there. U both have it going great for 2 yrs. It will, and should only get better. =) I guess guys express themselves differently from girls. You feel that you are crying more, but that doesn't mean his not feeling it any lesser than you do. I rem when my bf and i parted 2 weeks ago, i was brawling in the airport and people walking pass look at me like im crazy. And my bf? I could see that his feeling sad but he didn't cry. But i know his feeling upset too. I think that's just how guys are. Same goes for them, sometimes they really have no idea why are we acting the way we do. Its the women are frm venus and men are from mars thingie. Sometimes we gals get moody and emotional (esp PMS?) and the distance certainly takes its toll. But then, we just have to bear with it, rationalise and be positive. I reckon i will have my fair share of pain with the distance in time to come... its easy for me to say now coz its been only 2 weeks. But u've been thru 2 yrs, im sure you can do it. =)

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You're definately not alone. I had to drop my bf at the airport yesterday after a weekend visit. He was supposed to be staying permanently, but the date has moved back twice now.


I was a total wreck all the way home yesterday, and am still feeling down today. The only thing I can suggest is to keep yourself really busy, exercise and surround yourself with friends (preferrably single ones) who can keep your mind off your relationship.

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Hi Karina,


I know exactly how you feel, its really difficult being away from someone you care so much about. Just keep concentrating on the positive but you will also have days when it gets too much. Try talking to your family & friends around you and just remember and keep the end goal in site.


Like you said, hopefully by next year you will be together and you will have a wonderful foundation for your relationship that you will have build together.


I am with my boyfriend just over 5 months now and its so hard having to leave and say goodbye.


Wish you all the best.



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