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how can i tell if she likes me?? she seems into me touching my arm, laying on me, etc

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hi, I'm new to this so I'm sorry if this is in the wrong place. have seen this girl a few tI'mes. she seems into me touching my arm, laying on me when were watching TV, little massages stuff like that nothing to serious we talk sometimes for hours. my problem is that she is one of those girls that has mostly guy friends and talks to them all the time and she is one of those girls that makes you call them, she never calls she is always waiting for me to do it, sometime i feel like i call her to much and wonder if I'm annoying her by always calling her. i cant tell by this is he likes me as just another guy friend or more than that or what. anyones advice would be very helpful.


thanks in advance

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I am the girl with alote of male friends. When I was younger the idea was to understand what was going on in those funny heads of yours. Both of them. Anyways now its become easier to be friends with guys with no other intentions. Just good care free fun. No worries about female insecurities. Anyways as for talking on the phone for hours. I don't spend hours talking to them. Not much to say unless plans are being made to do something. Or either are having some sort of problem. As for hours of chit-chat that don't happen. 5min tops. Next she doesn't call you. Possible reason. In my experiance I know that guys get frustrated sometimes when a girl gets all up on there jock. Calling all the time. Sound familiar. So how do you know if she's irratated. If your talking for hours. Know way is she feeling that annoyed. She's sounds like she's getting to know you. Thats a good thing. Second when getting off the phone, who says "Ill call u later". If you say it and she says OK talk to you then. Then it's ok to call her back. If you want to test her. Try saying why don't you call me. Then wait. If she calls, you know she wants to talk to you. Last sitting on the couch watching tv. I can watch tv with my friends. I can cuddle with my friends, no touching, no other motives. These are people I've known for years. They know me inside and out. We are usally both single. Sometimes its nice to know your loved. Without the pressure of sex and relationship. You said that you have hung out a few times. If your new to her life. Shes still getting to know you, but shes comfortable being close to you. Along with arm touching. Don't really undertand the arm touching. Still say she digs you. More than a friend. She may just not want to make the first move. As for massage friends do that all the time. Few questions: how old are you, How is she touching your arm, have u talked about relationship stuff, Do you wish something more than a cuddle buddy, have you tried making a move. Some things to think about, let me know. Another thing she could be contelplating the same thing. Communication! Try talking to her. Don't worry. Whats the worst thing that could happen. You could become her friend. I think it sounds like she likes you more than a friend. She may be waiting to get to know you a little better. Or for you to make a move.


Good luck! Hope it comes out the way you want.

Expect the worst. Go for the best.

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How old are you? I'm 30- I only make an effort to touch a man's arm if I'm interested (ortherwise it would be construed as inapporpriate, I believe) I think if she's finding reasons to touch your arm and leaning against you (unless to prop herself up from falling) she's interested. Either that or she's playing games.

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  • 10 months later...

I'm having that same problem but i had sex with her a few times ...she says that she likes me but afraid to get into another relationship due to the fact that her last relation left her drain

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I would say she is interested and I agree she is waiting for you to make a move. I doubt that you are annoying her by calling in anyway ... she is probably sitting by the phone waiting for your call . So go for it ask her out and see what happens!


Best of luck

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It doesn't mean a thing at this point. I've had many girls hug, cuddle, rub and even give that look that confuses us guys so often. It totally depends on their background and uprising. Some are like this out of insecurity. There are many variables. Some girls are like this while being out with you even for the first time.


If they're interested, time will tell you my friend, because most of these girls that show this behavior come and go with the wind.

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I have to disagree Bob03 Not all woman are like that. I would not cuddle with a guy unless I was absolutely interested. That would just be wrong cuz that is what causes such confusion. I myself think she is interested but is unsure of how he feels about her. No one has said oh yeah jump right into it ... just take your time , feel her out. Ask her if she has found anyone she is interested in .... maybe ask her what she might think about the 2 of ya goin out on a casual date ... go from there! Ya never know til ya try and the what if's will drive ya crazy trust me!!

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I never said all girls are like that. There is a percentage that ARE like that within the first few times in meeting a guy. You yourself state you wouldn't be like that right away. I respect you for that. Time will be a tell tail here for him. I'm just stating my experiences. The girls that are so touchy feely right off the bat usually don't stick around.

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Thanx for clearing that up ... I feel that woman that do that have very low self respect or just don't care about what the other person is feeling ... which is wrong in my book! I am a touchy feeling person in a way ... I like to give my friends hugs but I don't go around laying on them and touching them unless I have a serious relationship with them! I really hope that this girl is not one of those head playing gamer's though .... cuz it would be nice to see a happily ever after every now and then!!

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i say go with the flow and chill dude. enjoy her company and get closer to her! its a green light for u to become close, in my book. BUT, don't expect too much and keep your feelings in check! don't close off ur options with other girls and don't make her your number 1 priority! just chill... ;)


remember.. don't expect too much!

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Originally posted by the return of lust

you want to see is a girl is interested, make a move. No use wondering. Females wonder. Males Act.


YES! Thank you return of lust, that's what I like to see. Some positive action advice. We women do like men to make the first move!! We want to feel wanted/fanciable. It also helps if you can strike the right balance of confidence without being too cocky.



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How long have you known her?

Sometimes its nice to have a friend that you can lean on.


Even if she doesn't want to be more than friends a friend that cuddles isn't

going to end the friendship over something like this.

Sounds like a win win situation.

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