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Rebuilding trust: He wants to be there for me now and take care of this baby

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Okay here goes, I have been wiht this guy for over 2 in a half years, well during that time we broke up for a total of like 9mths and He is in the ARMY and went overseas while i stayed here and moved on wiht my life, well we started talkign again about 7 mths ago and when we did and everythign was goign good and we got back together i found out that i was pregnant wiht another mans baby and the father wanted nothing to do wiht me now but Ryan wants to be there for me now and take care of this baby i am worried that he will trow it iin my face that she isnt his i dont want anything to do wiht the babys father at all but how do i make him see that?? adn how do i show him that i am being true?? i have tried everything but he doesnt trust me because of the baby ??HELP

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Only you know Ryan's true nature and character. Some men are the best! Some cannot handle it. You can always talk to Ryan about this possiblity.

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