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What to do? Should I just come out and tell her or should I try for a kiss.

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Ok Ok….I’ve read through just about any posts I could find on dating freinds but need just a bit more advice.


Here is my story:


About 6 months ago I met this girl online and found out she was staying very close to me so we decided to meet that very same night. We took a walk with my dog and pretty much talked and ended the night with a hug goodbye. Well since then we have hung out quite a few times but it has always been just the two of us other than the occasional meeting of the parents. We seem to have a good time together when we hangout. One of the big things that make up are friendship is helping each other out with things and situations. I care a whole lot about her and I think she knows that. A problem area she has had is with dishonest bf’s and friends. She recently lost her best fiend due to her friend telling secrets to others. I know through talking to her that she is a very honest person which is one of the reasons that I have feelings for her. I also am a very honest person (never cheating or lying to my gf’s) although many friends and gf’s have cheated/lied to me. She has talked to me about these relationships and I hate hearing of this happening to her. We have also talked about some guys she liked but usually after the fact that things weren’t going to work out with them. I have talked about a couple girl situations but nothing too deep. Recently we went on an overnight camping trip and got tippie but the only time we came close was while I was holding her from fallen while walking. But then a couple days after, she was on a date with a guy way older that her bro hooked her up with and he tried kissing her and she pushed back. She told me that they didn’t click at all. I think we have so much in common and similar personalities and she has agreed on that with me before.


Now onto the problems and dilemmas:


She seems to have a lot of guy friends although I think I am a bit different than all of them.

I feel hurt when she talks about going out with guys on dates.

The only physical thing we have done is hugged at the end of most times we hung out. No other time have we touched each other.

We both seem to have laid back personalities so it’s hard for me to read her at all (how she is feeling when she is with me).

She is turning 21 soon and I know its going to be a lot harder for me to get close to her then since I know she will be going out a lot more. (I've personally seen that happen).


I would like to hear guys and girls points of views if possible but what I need advice on is:

Weather I should expose my feelings for her.

If so, how I should do this:

Should I just come out and tell her or should I try for a kiss.

Where should I do this?…the situation?...the time?

How can I break through my nervousness?

And just about anyother advise you might want to say to me.

This is a pre-thanks for all the help.

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I think you should tell her. Just remember that she is your friend and she'll be understanding of whatever you have to say. You have no reason to be nervous. Just be completely honest with her. If you can't tell her to her face write her a letter. It's a good way to think through your feelings and say what you mean. Speaking from experience, the best thing to do is tell her. Twice, this same situation has happened to me with guys. The first time it worked out. We dated for a year and a half. The second time it didn't but I felt much better letting him know how i felt. I was afraid that maybe it would make things weird between us but it didn't. He's still one of my closest guy friends. Trust me- you have nothing to lose. Go for it!

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I agree with hookedonG143. You only live once, and if you don't communicate your feelings with her you may be kicking yourself in the butt years later.

I know you will be nervious, but pick a setting that would be comfortable for both of you (her house?) If she is as good of a friend as you say, she will give you an honest answer.

Try not to come on too strong. Just let her know that you are having feelings of more than just friendship with her. Just be honest with her.

I know you will be OK.

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