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When is it ok to...pass gas


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Hi There,


I am new to this site and stumbled here in my search for an answer to my queries.


I have been out of the dating seen for a number of years and following a "divorce" I no longer know the rules but was never comfortable with this one anyhow.


What happens when you are experiencing flatus (gas) and you are with someone? When is it OK to "release"? How long into the relationship? And heaven forbid, what happens if is it odorous?


This may not be something people talk about, I know but hey, it happens.


Like how does one react? I always left the room when I was dating and well, with my husband I kind of had to get used to things but never was 100% anyhow.


Your help would be appreciated. I know there should be some interesting responses to my question but all are welcome.



Rhino :o

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Well, I kind of feel embarrased answering this, but what the hell....


My husband always has the SBD's (Silent But Deadly's) and he has always let them out without thinking twice. But I never would around him. I just thought that was awful and should be kept in private. But ever since we got married, I just don't care anymore...I mean, like they say "it's better to die of shame than to die of pain"...right? So if I have to fart, I just let it roll, and my hubby just laughs about it. Even if I have to take a dump....I leave the door open to the bathroom...I don't care!!! It's so much better when you don't have to try to hide stuff like that. I love being comfortable and being myself around my hubby.


My mom has been married to my step-dad for 13 years and still won't fart in front of him! I'm like, what the hell...everyone does it. No big whoop!

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Originally posted by Jamie31

Even if I have to take a dump....I leave the door open to the bathroom...I don't care!!!


That's pretty gross, sitting there taking a dump where anyone, even a spouse, can hear you and smell you.


Not everyone feels it's okay to fart in the presence of a partner or spouse. If it's an "accident", well what can you do but to openly just let er rip, to me that's up there in the category with obnoxious, scratching one's butt, a guy scratching his balls, picking one's nose, picking one's teeth, belching or horking up a gob and spitting it on the sidewalk. Guess it just depends how one was raised?

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One guy in my life had completely atrocious manners in many ways but he ALWAYS either moved himself away or told me to move if an SBD was on its way. Gotta like a guy who's that considerate! That's what I do, too. I just don't go with the whole 'being comfortable = get up close and personal with noxious fumes' argument.

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My husband and I try our best not to expose the other to outright rude flatulence if we can avoid it. And as far as doing the bodily functions thing in front of your spouse or significant other, I think it is...well, less than classy for a lady to do such a thing. That's what bathrooms are for, and that's why they have doors. At least that's what I was taught.


I mean, we're comfortable enough around each other that if something slips out unexpectedly, which can happen to all of us, we can laugh about it. But it's not something we'd do on purpose all the time. Isn't that what junior high and high school boys do? Eww. :sick:

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Isn't that what junior high and high school boys do? Eww


hey cindy ... what's a skunk's favorite gag? telling one of his friends, "pull my finger!" :p:p:p


I'm with cindy on this one -- if it slips out, oops! otherwise, it's bad manners to just poop without a care for those around you.

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I'm with almost everyone else on this one. I'll get up and go to the bathroom if I have gas and I try not to let one go in front of anyone. Of course, sometimes its unavoiadable and I'll just laugh it off. I had gas once a long time ago and during sex it kinda escaped - loudly! Thankfully my husband doesn't care about stuff like that and he just commented "Front End so Happy, Back End Toot Horn" and it was no big deal! (sorry if that TMI)


My husband, on the other hand, has never cared who he farts around and he has plenty of the SBD's! There have been times when I swear there was a brown cloud emanating from. . .


He thinks its funny to let one go in a store and then get me to walk thru it un-suspecting!


I guess if you are really comfortable with someone and your personal opinion about bodily gases is laid back, let her rip! Watching your partners response will tell you a bit about them and how they feel about this stuff and you can make whatever adjustments to how you handle this as you deem necessary.


On a side note - the open-door policy for a bathroom just doesn't fly with me. I am a very private person in the bathroom. I remember many years ago when I was walking a picket-line in Michigan, a nearby store allowed us to use their restroom facilities - they had one huge womens bathroom w/ one toilet. I went over there with some of the other women - figuring that we'd wait in line outside the door - but no! Two of the women just pulled the rest of us in and we stood around in the front part of the room (maybe six steps to the toilet) and talked until each person was done. There was no partition or anything and the whoever was sitting on the pot was part of the conversation too. It was just too weird! Heck, I'd been married a very long time before I ever "went" in front of my husband and that was only because we were looking at houses and we were in the one we made an offer on and I had to go really bad! He sat on the edge of the tub while I went and we talked about the house - but I made him turn his back anyway.

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hokey, I should introduce you to my friend in Georgetown ... when we were in college, she was living with her boyfriend and said that whenever he was in the bathroom taking a dump, she'd walk in and sit on his lap and talk to him!!!! but, she's always been a little unusual --> she would also grab one of our gay friends during parties and tell him they were going to play "elevator" (hiding behind the shower curtain while third friend was using the toilet)!!!


ummm ... didn't mean to say "poop" in my posting above, guys; it was supposed to be "POOT." sorry for the bad imagery there



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whenever he was in the bathroom taking a dump, she'd walk in and sit on his lap and talk to him!!!!


[[color=darkblue][font=courier new]EEEWWWW!!!![/font][/color] :eek:

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