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Have I lost my chance?

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Ok so currently i'm a sophomore in college and about a year ago i met this girl in one of my classes. Long story short i can tell she was interested in me through her signals, but at the time i wasn't really interested in her. Now flash forward to about 3 weeks ago, i all of a sudden saw her again just passing by and on a whim decided to ask her to have lunch. Eventually i asked her again to lunch and once again we had a good time... and after this one i just started developing these feelings for her. I think i like her and i know that she at least doesn't mind being with me, but does she like me? I feel like i kind of ignored her last year and she might just think of me as a friend. Either way i'm not sure what to do or think. Unfortunately i no longer have any classes with her and it's getting harder and harder to meet with her due to our conflicting and busy schedules.


So I guess I have 2 questions:

1. Do you think she likes me back or just wants to be friends(i.e. have i lost my chance)?

2. If she does like me what could I do to at least "hang out" with her a little more.


Thanks a bunch guys!!!

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Well you haven't done anything unforgivable so far so ask her out for a real date. Women are pretty sharp in detecting what guys are feeling when they are being admired so I'm pretty sure that she might be expecting the date question. If she turns you down flat without a "rain check" then you know where you stand. The best it will be is friendship. And if she accepts, then there is a decent shot at more.


You are over-thinking this and maybe hoping for resolution without risk. She put herself out there last time and was rejected so I doubt that you will have that kind of openness on her part again without declaring yourself so go to it man and good luck.

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Ok so currently i'm a sophomore in college and about a year ago i met this girl in one of my classes. Long story short i can tell she was interested in me through her signals, but at the time i wasn't really interested in her. Now flash forward to about 3 weeks ago, i all of a sudden saw her again just passing by and on a whim decided to ask her to have lunch. Eventually i asked her again to lunch and once again we had a good time... and after this one i just started developing these feelings for her. I think i like her and i know that she at least doesn't mind being with me, but does she like me? I feel like i kind of ignored her last year and she might just think of me as a friend. Either way i'm not sure what to do or think. Unfortunately i no longer have any classes with her and it's getting harder and harder to meet with her due to our conflicting and busy schedules.


So I guess I have 2 questions:

1. Do you think she likes me back or just wants to be friends(i.e. have i lost my chance)?

2. If she does like me what could I do to at least "hang out" with her a little more.


Thanks a bunch guys!!!

I wouldn't completely rule out her liking you. Its obvious that at some point, she did like you. The fact that its been a year, she could have moved on or still likes you. Though, it may not be as much as you would hope/think it would be. The best thing you can do, is to just get a really close friendship developing and see where it takes you from there. Things can't automatically become clear, right now. Over time, you should be able to uncover how she feels about you. She may even tell you, but don't rely on her doing so. It may come down to you having to speak your mind.

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