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To be aloof.


You are absolutely correct!!! This is the one and only way to deal with a "player". Be so aloof that it hurts! If you go out with him on Friday night and have a great time and he calls you on Saturday tell him you've already made other plans. This will drive him crazy.

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Players should either be considered part of your catch and release program or men who are of disinterest. End result, there's no need for revenge since they can't get to you.

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Players should either be considered part of your catch and release program or men who are of disinterest. End result, there's no need for revenge since they can't get to you.


I love this answer ! I think being blase' about the person is best. Afterall , you know they are just playing you. Don't wait by the phone . Move on.

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I love this answer ! I think being blase' about the person is best. Afterall , you know they are just playing you. Don't wait by the phone . Move on.

The strange part is that this type of attitude keeps them coming back for more.


When I was younger, I went through a stage of reeling in players but of course, always releasing them. The only way you can do it is not to allow yourself to care 'cause it's only a game. Even if you manage to reel them in, they're not worth much to you, because they're unable to have functional relationships. You don't want to spend the rest of your life watching your back.

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to find another man?


Better yet, his buddy. For a player, losing a chick wouldn't phase him; losing one to his buddy would. That's not just a woman, that's points on the board!

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The strange part is that this type of attitude keeps them coming back for more.


When I was younger, I went through a stage of reeling in players but of course, always releasing them. The only way you can do it is not to allow yourself to care 'cause it's only a game. Even if you manage to reel them in, they're not worth much to you, because they're unable to have functional relationships. You don't want to spend the rest of your life watching your back.


I remember a time about 2/3 years ago where I would have my way with the Players and then show them the door....literally...:" : Well its getting late and I have to get to bed so,....:" They were like : Okay..." Of course now I have become so different from who I used to be that I don't recognize the former me....anymore....

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