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Its been 2 years, why is he nervous around me?


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A guy and I had a casual relationship for over a year...2 years ago. We see each other about once a week and email during the week.


He claims he has no interest in dating me, but at the same time hasn't been able to find a date since we were together....2 years ago.


When I do see him from time to time, he is nervous around me, shaky, sweaty hands and little to no eye contact. Plus he avoids me.


I think that he knows...that I like him and want more from him than casual.


Does this mean he likes me....or is it that he is uncomfortable being around me?


He told me 2 years ago that he had no interest. And I told him a year ago that we would never have a casual relationship again.


...also, he was never nervous around me when we were together AND he can maintain eye-contact with other girls he chats with.


...he's also a quiet guy.

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seems like he is still interested in you. If it were just a friendship, he would have no reason to be nervous. Prior to your courtship, did he date around or were you his first girlfriend?

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