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Is it wrong to pay a married woman for sex so she can pay her rent?

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If my wife, (saying I had one), did this to me I would be outraged. Inferiated, shocked, humiliated, embarrassed. On what vows was this marriage made. Until we have a poor moment and you have to go screw the downstairs neighbor.

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I think that's referred to as being a 'sugar daddy'. Whether it's legal or not....it happens everyday.


As far as the big bru-ha-ha over how horrible a woman is who "sells sex". I think a wife who stays or marries a man for security reasons isn't any better. Ofcourse, she gets the honor of being called a 'trophy wife' or that she's just a 'good woman' for holding her marriage together.


WHAT is the difference between the two??????


Luckily, I'm not in the position of having to do either. If I were though, I'd rather sleep with some old fart for 30 minutes for the rent than MARRY him....so society wouldn't call me a whore.

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If I were though, I'd rather sleep with some old fart for 30 minutes for the rent than MARRY him....so society wouldn't call me a whore.


I wouldnt call you a whore arabess...... id say you needed a Dicklay beer..... LOL

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This transaction, which has many in an uproar, the exchange of sex for rent, is not irrational. Shelter and sex are two basic human needs. Each actor possessed something of value which the other desired: rent money or sexual attractiveness.


The curious thing about Don's post is that he focuses exclusively on the legality, not the morality, of the exchange. Don wants to know: was this illegal prostitution --not, did I conduct myself morally. Morality, however, often flows from a full stomach and a warm roof over ones head. No one is a monster, here.


People for thousands of years have traded sex for money, food, security, shelter, etc. Marriage is simply the institutionalization of this age-old barter.


If the woman had been single, and seduced Don for rent money, would we have been less judgmental? Also, the woman may or may not have told her husband, we don't know.


What we have here is a man who offered a married woman rent money in exchange for sex. The woman agreed.

Both parties fulfilled their part of the bargain. The woman and her husband have shelter for at least another month and Don had sex.


Would it have been better had the newlyweds gone homeless? When the choice is between morality and homelessness , how do any of us in our comfortable homes and offices know which we would choose?

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Originally posted by Arabess

I think that's referred to as being a 'sugar daddy'. Whether it's legal or not....it happens everyday.


As far as the big bru-ha-ha over how horrible a woman is who "sells sex". I think a wife who stays or marries a man for security reasons isn't any better. Ofcourse, she gets the honor of being called a 'trophy wife' or that she's just a 'good woman' for holding her marriage together.


WHAT is the difference between the two??????


Luckily, I'm not in the position of having to do either. If I were though, I'd rather sleep with some old fart for 30 minutes for the rent than MARRY him....so society wouldn't call me a whore.


My sentiments exactly Arabess. You are one of the few people here that sees things like me, that sees the world for what it really is.

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