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Worried about my friend who just tried to commit suicide

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I just found out that my friend, has cut her self, has been sent to the ER becasue she OD on pills, and she had almost died from cutting her wrists, this really scares me, what should i tell her?





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I've had a sister and a close friend that were involved in cutting and tried suicide.


First and foremost...you have to let her know that you are there for her. I'm sure she knows it in deep down...but sometimes people find it a comfort to hear it first hand from you.


Secondly, you can get in touch with local resources and find some safehavens where she can talk to strangers that understand where she is coming from. I've found that no matter long I listened...I kept stumbling through the same lines...these people know more signs and more lines than you or I will ever know.


Third, make sure that your friend knows how her actions will affect the people that love her. I know that it sounds selfish...but it might open her eyes a little bit to the fact that she's not alone, and that she's not just one small person in this huge planet. She is connected to a web of people that will feel her loss forever.


I hope something in here helps, even a little bit.



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