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Ouch! cold response!

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Sad days...Ive posted a few times about how I messed up my friendship with a guy I care very much about. I've tried calling, texting, everything short of smoke signaling!


Well tonight I sent him a message telling him how I knew he didnt want to talk but that I was thankful that he had always been there for me, that if it hadnt been for him i wouldnt have broken up with my bf (too long a story to tell but bassically my friend helped me see the light AFTER i told him i couldnt be his friend anymore) and thanks for saving my butt one more time. I then said i wouldnt be contacting him anymore, that i understood where he came from and I respected that and to take care.


He finally responded.


His text was rather cold...he said that he wasnt mad at me, that he wishes me the best and that "who knows, maybe someday we can hang out again".


Ouch!!! I dont really know how to take it...I dont even know if i should respond to it....is it as cold as it appears to me? should I reply with something? Im honestly at a loss with this situation....

How would you take this text?

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I dont even know if i should respond to it....is it as cold as it appears to me? should I reply with something? Im honestly at a loss with this situation....


Don't respond. It's over.


If it wasn't he would have picked up the phone to talk it out. He didn't.


It's over.


Him telling you that maybe someday you guys could hang out again is BS. That's his way of keeping you from moving on.


So do the opposite and don't keep holding on to him. Let him go.

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Don't respond. It's over.


If it wasn't he would have picked up the phone to talk it out. He didn't.


It's over.


Him telling you that maybe someday you guys could hang out again is BS. That's his way of keeping you from moving on.


So do the opposite and don't keep holding on to him. Let him go.


Well he followed that text with another one asking me to stop beating myself over what i did. that i did the best i could at the moment even though it didnt turn out right...


I responded saying that it helped me see what i was losing and that i couldnt stop beating myself up for losing one of my best friends.


He responded that it was my choice but there were no hard feelings on his side. I said that if there were i couldnt blame him. He then responded with something about grace given to him by God and that he was then giving it to me, so no hard feelings. and to stop beating myself up.


He then sent a last text saying "be good kid"


that was it....


what a hot mess....:(


Should i take this as..."get over it no matter what you do it would never be the same?"....this sssuuuuccckkkkkssss :(

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So you had sex with this guy when you had a BF and then made this guy feel bad but then you broke up with your BF and now this guy won't talk to you because you made him feel bad before when you had a BF?


And now you like this guy more and want him to be your BF?


That's not gonna happen. :(

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So you had sex with this guy when you had a BF and then made this guy feel bad but then you broke up with your BF and now this guy won't talk to you because you made him feel bad before when you had a BF?


And now you like this guy more and want him to be your BF?


That's not gonna happen. :(


No no, i didnt have sex with him. Much less when I had a bf. I had broken up with my bf bc he cheated on me. My friend had just broken up with his gf about the same time. We ended up drinking and making out.


After that I didnt hear from him for a couple of weeks, around that time my bf and I got back together. After that my friend kept bringing that night up, sort of bragging about it, even though he knew i was back with my bf . also i felt kinda shady talking to him...like i was cheating or something, so i told him i couldnt talk to him anymore. I still fetl bad..he had been a good friend for years...and my relationship was pretty bad...with someone who didnt care. Actually my friend fought harder for me than my bf did when I said it was over...thats just sad.


Anyway, yeah after the break up i told him he had been right about this guy, that he never actually cared...but it was too late...


Ugh sad sad sad mistakes...:sick:

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When you said hooked up I thought sex. Sorry about that.


You hurt the second guy by not picking him over your BF so he doesn't look so good to his friends anymore. He wanted you to choose him first but you didn't.


You really should stay away from this guy for a while. He may come back but maybe he won't but you don't want to keep bugging him. That's the very last thing you should do.


And if you keep texting him and trying to talk to him he's going to think you are bothering him so stop. I wouldn't do anything no calls no texts no myspace no anything at least until Wednesday.


You can wait until Wednesday. I know you can.

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