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Fairweather Friendships

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That seems to be the way alot of friendships are these days.....not sure if you guys are currently in them, but they do get annoying at times, esp when they have the nerve to pull crap...


But....this could probably go with even friends, relatives, members of the opposite sex , friends of the same sex and so on.


(That's why the post in the more appropriate forum....FRIENDS ..and lovers...but this is the friends part.



Anyhow, I had met this woman/female friend or whatever....she's been at some of the events, been nice to me in person...


she apologizes for not getting back to me in some of the emails, and of course says we should hang out more often.


Lately though, I had deleted her from my friends list on Myspace....because she wasnt' even responding to my emails...not even the short ones.


So I "Clean house" of people that I no longer correspond with or no longer correspond with me....occasoinaly


Then I get a "Friends Request" from her again. I was like "Huh?" So I didn't accept it just yet.


I see her in person, and she apologizes for not staying in touch, and, like I said, we should hang out more often.



I was like "okay, sure" nodded...that's about it.



So I go back home, and re-add her back onto my MySpace account.....things are going along...I emailed her about the event we


went to, asking if she had a good time, and asked her a couple of questions here and there.


Same pattern occurs.....I kept her on anyway.


Now, I don't keep sending emails constantly...I do spread them apart.




She has a million friends anyway, (Social Buttefly I suppose).


So, I stopped emailing her for a good while afte that, I was like "F- her" and just let her be.


I do the same thing with male buds too, so "F them" too, lol


Anyhow...I'm also on Facebook....somehow this same woman finds me, and has the nerve to "Friends Request" me on that site.


I DENY it, and later send her an email telling her "What gives" and to give me the straight dope on this.....


I asked her why she keeps adding me on as a friend, if she keeps ignoring me.



Her response, and it didn't sound all that pleasant actually.




Erm.. sorry... I didn't have anything to say. Your messages didnt ask any questions that Im aware of. I don't email everyone


every day.. just too busy doing other stuff. Usually I just send a mail here and there.. or if there is something in specific


I want to say. If I were to email everyone on my friends lists then I would not have time to do anything else.

Im not sure what the 'straight dope" is.. other than I simply had nothing to say in an email. I get tons of mail & sometimes


dont even check it because I am not in mood to write responses. If there was something important, I would be sure to answer





Meh, define "Important"....I guess what I have to say isn't important.




Actually, they did ask some questions (guess she wasn't aware of them)


But, looks like she listed several excuses in one punch.


I guess I need to get a crap load of friends so I can be busy?




OKay, I could respond in a number of ways....


1. Okay, so how did you find the time to ADD me on as a friend?


2. Okay, but I guess I don't have time to be adding you on as my friend, because I have plenty of other friends to keep up


with (you know , just to drive a point) Basically, put herself in MY shoes for a moment to see how SHE Likes it.


3. Hey, if you don't time to email me, then I don't have to time to email you.


4. The least you could do is reply to me, give me some common courtesy.


4. SO, if she will never have time to email everyone on her friends list, then I don't have time email her.


5. Just say "okay" then continue to find better friends.


6. Sarcastic response: "Oh okay, miss "Social butterfly", I guess whenever you get time to pencil me into your "Busy Schedule", contact me.


What ticks me off is, she runs hot and cold. And her response certainly shows she sees nothing "rude" about what she's done.


But, it might get awkward if I see her again. I think she has her own little click anyways


Now....this said....I probably wouldn't have said JACK to her, if she didn't keep adding me to her friggin Friends list all the time.

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Do you like this woman?


As in...more than friend?


Sounds like she really really gets under your skin, and thats not a normal response for a person whom you hardly even talk to. A typical response to someone like her, if there was just friends feelings is more like "oh yeah sure we'll catch up" and the minute she walk out of sight it would also get right out of your mind.


I have a few "friends" like that.... they are more like aquaintances really. SO i think thats where this chick belongs to...in the aquaintances section...cuz thats were you obviously fit in her life. As to why she adds you? well maybe cuz she adds everyone she knows in her life. I know I do. I added people I havent seen in years... add them, say hi to them and thats about it. Dont think that being "friends" in myspace or facebook means that you are actually thought of as a friend!


I say just forget about this person, and connect with your true friends...you know, the ones that you can call at any time and will be happy to hear from you, not the ones that say "well im too busy to drop you a few lines".


Now if you have more than friend feelings for her....bad news, she aint into you at all...again, move right along

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Do you like this woman?


As in...more than friend?


Sounds like she really really gets under your skin, and thats not a normal response for a person whom you hardly even talk to. A typical response to someone like her, if there was just friends feelings is more like "oh yeah sure we'll catch up" and the minute she walk out of sight it would also get right out of your mind.


I have a few "friends" like that.... they are more like aquaintances really. SO i think thats where this chick belongs to...in the aquaintances section...cuz thats were you obviously fit in her life. As to why she adds you? well maybe cuz she adds everyone she knows in her life. I know I do. I added people I havent seen in years... add them, say hi to them and thats about it. Dont think that being "friends" in myspace or facebook means that you are actually thought of as a friend!


I say just forget about this person, and connect with your true friends...you know, the ones that you can call at any time and will be happy to hear from you, not the ones that say "well im too busy to drop you a few lines".


Now if you have more than friend feelings for her....bad news, she aint into you at all...again, move right along


Well, either way you wouldn't want someone like that as AN kind of status rdally

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Well, either way you wouldn't want someone like that as AN kind of status rdally


Just aquaintance...someone you know from somewhere...and most importantly..that should not affect your mood in any way shape or form.


This isnt a fairweather friend...this is a person you casually know. Thats it.

Dont let it get you down....:bunny:

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Fairweather friends are these:


Friends who you could even call best friends, but you always have a good time with, go out with, there for the fun times.


But then, both your parents die, you go off the rails, and they end the friendship.


THATS what fairweather friends are.


And Its happened to me.



This facebook myspace craP?????



Anything online isnt real- friendship is for in person.


Get offline, and have something to do with her OFF the computer.

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Fairweather friends are these:


Friends who you could even call best friends, but you always have a good time with, go out with, there for the fun times.


But then, both your parents die, you go off the rails, and they end the friendship.


THATS what fairweather friends are.


And Its happened to me.



This facebook myspace craP?????



Anything online isnt real- friendship is for in person.


Get offline, and have something to do with her OFF the computer.


BOTH your parents die, and they stop being your friend? Anyway you could elaborate...you got me curious


Thank you :)


I figured people ended friendships when people broke up....like the friends of your g/f stopped being your friend and vice-versa...was just curious about the significance of BOTH parents dying.

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My point is that fairweather friends are those that are there for you in the good times, but abandon you in the bad times.


Well losing both parents- clung in to a particular friend because obviously i thought i was going to lose other people thru death or whatever- he got sick of my clinginess - domino effect- I went out of town to look after my mother- while i was away- friends sided with him..



Anyway they were all idiots.

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