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The better regimen?

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Ive read a lot about the difference the order of your workout makes, and Im just trying to debunk the myth...


Cardio THEN weight training -or- Weight training then Cardio?


Does it even make a difference?

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My trainer reckons cardio - weights - cardio.


With the last one being more of an easy warm down followed by stretching.


Post-workout stretching is a must.

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Ive read a lot about the difference the order of your workout makes, and Im just trying to debunk the myth...


Cardio THEN weight training -or- Weight training then Cardio?


Does it even make a difference?


Weights, then cardio.


When you do cardio first, you burn through your muscle glycogen which means the only way to fuel your weight session (which is anaerobic) is with protein. The only place to get protein is from your existing muscle stores. So you break down muscle to lift weights, which results in a flabbier you.


When you do weights first, you also burn through your muscle glycogen. When you go to do your cardio your bosy has the option of using fat for fuel as cardio is aerobic. This is ideal -- the weights build muscle (or "tone" as most women prefer to call it) and the cardio reduces fat.

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1) Stretch

2) Warm Up 5-10 min

3) Weight train

4) Cardio

5) Stretch


Try a plyometrics kickboxing class. You will never get a better work out!!! You will completely scrap the gym...

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Well, that seems like a resounding vote for weight train THEN cardio!


Jay: I wish my gym offered classes, I would LOVE to take a kickboxing class. Ive heard they're awesome. But alas, they do not.... Oh well.


Ive been doing my workout this way for about a week now, and I have to say I like it better. That way, when Im all sweaty and disgusting from my cardio work out, I can just slink outta there real quick! :cool:



Thanks for the replies everyone!

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