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I have been with this girl for about 2 years now. It is a really good relationship and we both are in love with each other. We have had a couple of arguement and both times she broke up with me. Well, it would only last a couple of days and she would call me up saying how wrong she was for braking up and that she loves me and wants me to be in her life forever. Im a really emotional guy and she know this. She really hurt my feelings when she did that but i would always take her back. She always brag to her friends about having me as her boyfriend and how much she loves me. She also says all the time that she wants me in her life forever and never wants to loose me. She has already planned a future with me and talks about us being together for ever. About 2 months ago we had another arguement because i was smothering her and not giving her space. Well i realize that i was wrong and we talked about it. She told me that she loves me but she wants to be alone for now, and we should be just best friends. I started leaving her alone, not talking to her as much, and more or less let her know that i don't need her in my life just to see how she reacted. She called me up about two week ago and said that she wants me in her life that she was wrong and she wants me back as her boyfriend and that there are no other guy she would ever want to be with other than me. So we are back together now. My problem is, since we have been back together, she hasn't told me that she loves me. I KNOW FOR A FACT that she does love me and you can tell from the way she acts that she does. I have heard from sources that she love me but is really scared that she will somehow on accident hurt my feelings again, is scared that i would leave her forever if that would happen, and that she wants me to be in her life forever. When she asked me back out, she put me on hold and was in the next room talking to her mom. Well i over heard there conversation and she told her that she loves me, that she want me and her to be together forever but is scared to death that she will somehow on accident hurt me again and she is afraid that i would leave her forever. I really want her to tell me that she loves me. Is she afraid to tell me? Im SOOOOOOOOOOO much in love with her. I want me and her to be really close. I would never leave her. What should i do? Any advise would help alot.





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What should you do? You should go straight to the source, tell her how YOU feel, and ask how SHE feels. Don't wait for the item to be brought up on the evening news.


Both of you have got to stop, smell the roses and lighten up. Commicate more. Be more compromising. Stabilize the relationship or terminate it.


Just stop and think. If you have to post a question before the entire world on the Internet to find out how your girlfriend feels about you, that's pretty sorry.


When you do talk to her, don't you dare raise your voice. You need to have a complete talk and both of you need to know where each other's head is at. Communicate often, love often, laugh often, and dance with the stars at night.

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What should you do? You should go straight to the source, tell her how YOU feel, and ask how SHE feels. Don't wait for the item to be brought up on the evening news. Both of you have got to stop, smell the roses and lighten up. Commicate more. Be more compromising. Stabilize the relationship or terminate it. Just stop and think. If you have to post a question before the entire world on the Internet to find out how your girlfriend feels about you, that's pretty sorry. When you do talk to her, don't you dare raise your voice. You need to have a complete talk and both of you need to know where each other's head is at. Communicate often, love often, laugh often, and dance with the stars at night.

Hi there!


Yep, as usual great advice from Tony! And I agree with him. Ask her- not us. You have a need to know, so go find out. You are entitled to know her feelings!


It sounds as though you have a relationship which is very intimate, especially verbally. That's a wonderful thing, so treasure it!!


I think you probably both push "buttons" in each other, triggering off an escalation of emotions and then fall out.


I suggest you both sit down calmly and work out what they are. It sounds like the two of you care enough about each other to want to make the relationship work even better. This will hopefully increase your understanding of each other, and prevent future bust-ups!!!


Good luck!

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