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'Love is an ability'.. (?)

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The above quote has remained with me since watching 'Dan - in real life', which turned out to be quite a funny film. Essentially Steve Carell (From 40 Year Old Virgin - Love that film! His 'friends' are the ultimate bad advice givers, ever!) stars as a long suffering single Dad to three tempermentally different daughters. The main stay of the film concerns a potential love interest who comes into his life but turns out to be connected to his family in quite an unpredictable way. Good film.


Anyhow, what do you think? Is love an ability?


My friend at work disagrees. She thinks that some people are unable to love because of psychological barriers... which to me still surmounts to the same thing. I think she means that learning can be impeded to the point where love is not an option.


I am going to have to get some sort of plaque thing made with this saying.. totally love it! It hugs my humanitarian, religious and logical mindedness equally - which is a rare feat within my musings.


Eve xx

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I do think some people have a limited capacity to love. I don't know where it comes from.


I often wonder about myself and my 'ability' to love others. I have no problem loving in platonic relationships, but romantic ones are a bit different.


In some ways, I'm stunted. Or maybe it's that I have more growing to do? I don't know.


But really, it's all subjective because we each define it differently and place different emphasis on the various facets of "love"...or at least I think so.

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Love is an ability that must be learned. It starts from the moment we are conceived to the moment we die. We should be constantly expanding our ability to love.


And Nemo and Geisha, your right too. We always make a decision on who we love and how much we love them. We determine when that love should be given and when it should be with held. And love is a gift. One of the most precious ones that any person can give another. For the gift of love brings peace, courage, self-esteem, and all these other wonderful things and feelings and thoughts connected to it.


Mark Anthony said it best in his song, "Love is All."

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It's the best thing we could give, and receive. And it's the wisest thing we could have for ourselves.



And I'm not talking about egoistic love.

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My friend at work disagrees. She thinks that some people are unable to love because of psychological barriers... which to me still surmounts to the same thing. I think she means that learning can be impeded to the point where love is not an option.


I agree with your friend. Also, even without the psychological barriers, people can choose not to love or choose to love. We all have that switch, one that gets turned on/off with/without trust.

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Love is a choice. Love is a gift. Love is unlimited. Love bears all things. Love isn't jealous of bitter. Jesus loved us so much it held him to the cross, not the nails. He chose to die for us. We can make the same choices, but usually has humans we look for reasons not to love. Sad really, when you think of the benefits for oneself and others.
That's all that needed to be said about the subject.
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Some people fall in love all the time. I think it's because they just *can*. Some people have no boundaries or barriers when it comes to love; it come to them easily and freely.


I also believe love is a choice. I believe it is probably possible to fall in love with anyone, depending on the circumstances. We create it.

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all those definitions of love ring true, but I like what Bent said the best: Love is a gift.


it's a gift/blessing to possess and a gift to be shared ...

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Love is acceptance, for the person.


I think it is the sweetest thing is that when you are around another person, you just feel being accepted by him/her, whatever you do is wonderful in his/her eyes, and same time you give same acceptance to another.


Aslo I think love can be learned.


Ultimately human lives for love

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Love is acceptance, for the person.


I think it is the sweetest thing is that when you are around another person, you just feel being accepted by him/her, whatever you do is wonderful in his/her eyes, and same time you give same acceptance to another.


Aslo I think love can be learned.


Ultimately human lives for love


Best one to me. Loved it. :love:

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I think that's a good analogy.


Just like other abilities, some people are born with a genetic hand which makes them particularly good at it. For some people it's really difficult, and no amount of "training" will help that much (think a tone deaf person trying to play piano).


And just like other abilities, we can probably get better at it if we work at it.


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all those definitions of love ring true, but I like what Bent said the best: Love is a gift.


it's a gift/blessing to possess and a gift to be shared ...



Actually - I said that.

The credit is mine and I claim my $500.00.

Used notes would be fine.



Love is a prompt payment to the debt of commitment.


Man, I'm good - !!

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Anyhow, what do you think? Is love an ability? /quote]




I tend to believe it's a combination of ability and choice.


I read somewhere the question "What is hell"? And the answer read that "it is the suffering of being unable to love".

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The ultimate form of love is one willingly die for another to save life.


What would you feel if one is willingly to do so for you? awesome

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The ultimate form of love is one willingly die for another to save life.


What would you feel if one is willingly to do so for you? awesome


Personally, I would never want anyone to choose to end their own life for me. Some can argue that is selfish of me, others will argue the opposite.


But I believe there is no unselfish act of a human being, every single thing is on some level selfish. I do not believe our "shells" have the capacity to love unselfishly. It's within that shell, that embodies complete unselfish love.

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But I believe there is no unselfish act of a human being, every single thing is on some level selfish. I do not believe our "shells" have the capacity to love unselfishly. It's within that shell, that embodies complete unselfish love.

I agree with you.


what an awesome thing if "something within that shell" overcome "the selfish shell". The shell is always self-centred, its love cause problems rather than lifting the "loved" object

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