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What is a good way to take things back to the friendship level or keep them there?

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My main question is, what is a good way to take things back to the friendship level or keep them there?


I have never been very good at things like this, I am always afraid of hurting people. I have recently gotten myself into a kind of sticky situation. I have been seeing a couple different guys. Everyone tells me this is perfectly fine and its completely normal, but it has been driving me insane. How'd it happen? It is a long and confusing story, but the gist of it is that both relationships are at a level now that I feel I really need to choose one or the other. So is it possible to remain friends, both of them seem like they want more? I want to at least remain friends with both of them because they are both great guys. So how do I let them down gently so that I don't hurt anyone?


I've never been good at doing this sort of thing, I don't like to hurt people. I also know how it feels to be rejected for someone else. I know I am probably over reacting, I just don't know how to do it. Please help!

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well you either want one or the other or you dont want either and it is your right to choose that, as well as they have a right to choose whether they want you as well. do they know about one another? I think the best thing to do here is to be honest. i mean, you are going to hurt people in life no matter what. in this situation sure someone may get hurt, but you are not being vicious about it. i assume you are all grownups and can handle such a situation and move on!=)

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