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So I saw him again and...

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My brother got married this past Saturday. On Friday night was the rehearsal dinner. My brother's best man, his best friend, was there. I hadn't seen him in many years, except for very briefly two years ago when my grandfather died. I always had a huge crush on him, but buried it years back when my brother moved out and we all grew up, and his friend went into the National Guard. He served three tours of duty, and had a daughter (unplanned) with his girlfriend. I know he and his girlfriend have had problems, he's broken up with her once before because according to my brother she's lazy and didn't want to work. Anyways...when I saw him again at the wedding his friend looked wonderful in his tuxedo. I was by the bar getting a drink when all of a sudden he was next to me. He gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek, then he said I looked beautiful, as always. Then he said, "I always felt kind of bad, you know? You're like my little sister." It seemed he wanted to say something else, but at that moment our attention was broken by other people wanting to talk to him, and the moment was lost. And, it felt like a moment to me. I mean, there was something, inexplicable, there between us. I don't know what, but all of a sudden, the old feelings I always had for him surfaced again after many years. I'm just wondering what to make of this, what he meant by what he said, and if he perhaps meant to tell me anything else. All of a sudden, I can't get him out of my head. I wish, after all these years, I could have told him I always had a huge crush on him, but I suppose I can't now that so much time has passed and especially now that he has the girlfriend and daughter. I did notice, however, that he barely spent any time with his girlfriend the entire time either at the rehearsal or the wedding or the after-party. He was always somewhere near me. So what's this all mean? :confused:

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Well, it could mean that he does have an interest in you. After all these years, he finally noticed you at the Wedding and maybe never felt this way about you (?) If he plans on sticking around you a little more, it could mean that he wants to start up a new friendship or continue from where you left off with him (i'm not sure if you and him were ever close as friends). There is a very high probability that he wants to spend more time with you and have something but, i don't think he has any intentions on leaving his girlfriend for you. At the same time, it was weird how he complemented you at the bar and whatnot but i wouldn't really get your hopes so high. Just let things take its course and hes bound to say something sooner than later.

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Well, it could mean that he does have an interest in you. After all these years, he finally noticed you at the Wedding and maybe never felt this way about you (?) If he plans on sticking around you a little more, it could mean that he wants to start up a new friendship or continue from where you left off with him (i'm not sure if you and him were ever close as friends). There is a very high probability that he wants to spend more time with you and have something but, i don't think he has any intentions on leaving his girlfriend for you. At the same time, it was weird how he complemented you at the bar and whatnot but i wouldn't really get your hopes so high. Just let things take its course and hes bound to say something sooner than later.


We were never really friends. He was always my brother's friend and I was always the little sister. But he certainly knew who I was. He always made a point to talk to me if he was around when all of us were growing up. Or if they were all doing something that could be a little dangerous, he was the one who would be near me and kind of protect me or tell me to stand back or whatever. It was cute. I'm not getting my hopes up about anything, but I hope I can see him again. He shares my passion for history and was telling me to come anytime to where he works and he would give me a tour of the building as it has several historic murals on the walls and stuff. I just couldn't tell what he meant at the bar there. I just wonder if he ever liked me too.

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Brothers can be extremely protective of their sisters. Every time I've hooked up with a friend's sister they freak out. It's almost as if there is a unwritten man law not to hook up with the sis. I would tell your bro, so that he can clear your object of affection through security.

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Well, i'm sure that he did like you at one point. Maybe not as much as love or anything of the sort, but he may have always had small feelings for you. If you really wanted to talk more with him, you can go to where he works and afterwards, invite him for Lunch or something. Nothing extreme, but so that you can talk to him, one-on-one ya know?


If your feeling bold, you can take it up a notch and maybe explain to him how theres always been a spot for him, in your heart. Its hard, but you never know what can happen ;)

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I'm hesitant to go see him because I don't want to do anything to piss off his girlfriend or my brother. His girlfriend is a nice person. I would just love to know if he ever liked me. That's all. I might never know, though. I wonder if I should go see him or email him (I have an email address from a mass message my brother sent) and tell him I always had a crush on him? Just to get closure? Or let it go...?

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It could be in your best interest to tell him that you've liked him since way-back-when and just ask if hes ever felt a little like you do/did. If he says no, then just tell him that it was just something you had to know. This way, you know the truth of the situation, and begin letting go. I'm sorry for that, but some things were never meant to be.


If he did say he liked you, he will probably add if he stills feels the same way. In which case, you can decide to do from there :)

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