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Weird callback scenario - need an objective take on it

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So I'm in a bit of a weird situation right now, and honestly I'm not sure what to think. Last Sunday (two days ago), I met a girl at an outdoors concert - she was sitting by herself near where I was standing with a couple of my friends. We ended up striking up a conversation and it seemed to go very well, she was very friendly and eventually asked me if she could get my phone number. Given that I've been out of the dating scene for about six months or so, I was totally receptive. So anyways, she adds my number to her phone and then goes to call mine so I can add her - and her battery goes dead. Without skipping a beat, she takes my phone from me and enters her # into it.


During the course of our conversation she casually asked if I had a girlfriend, and whether or not calling me might cause any drama. I reassured her this wasn't the case. So, just as she's about to leave she mentions to me that, "If you don't hear from me, you should call me!" At this point I'm feeling pretty good, because it feels like we had a nice connection. I wait until today, (figured two days was long enough) and decide to give her a ring after lunch to see if maybe she wants to grab a coffee later or hit up a game of pool. The phone rings several times, then it *sounds* as if it is picked up and then immediately disconnects.


In short, I don't know what to do now! I'm entertaining the notion that I caught her at a bad time, but can't also help but wonder if perhaps she completely changed her mind about the whole thing. Given how nice our conversation was, I'm just not sure where to go with this. Right now I'm thinking maybe I'll wait until this evening and give it one more shot - does this sound like the best course of action?


Thanks! :o

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It's impossible to tell what happened when you called her, so yeah, definately give her another call tonight and see what happens then. Good luck!

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It's impossible to tell what happened when you called her, so yeah, definately give her another call tonight and see what happens then. Good luck!


Thanks, clearly that has been my first instinct - but it's killing me to wait. :) On the other hand, I don't want to tip my hand too much considering we just met.

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Hah, ok well here's a happy ending for you all. I get home this evening and wait until 7:30ish and try to give her a call again, the phone rings and rings and then... picks up - hangs up!


At this point I'm feeling like a total jerk, like, "How did I misread this so bad, and why did I call a second time?" But something is nagging me, so I decide to text her one last time - then I think better of it and think maybe I should post a short note to her on missed connections in CL and just text her that since I could get a little more text in w/out a hassle.


So, I go ahead and write a short note (very anonymous) on missed connections, then I text her, "Post for you on xxxx.craigslist.org missed connections. I won't bother you again. All the best!"


Feeling rather dejected, and like I totally misread the chemistry I write it off. Suddenly like 30 minutes later I get a phone call, and it's her! I answer the phone already embarassed, she's like, "Heya! what's this IM you sent me about a CL post?" Laughingly I go into a quick explanation and just tell her I had tried to call her twice today, but it seemed like I was hung up on both times.


By now she is laughing too, and explains to me that she hasn't set a message on her voicemail and that it always sounds like she's hanging up on people. Apparently she was asleep when I called earlier, and in a meeting when I called the second time - so voicemail picked up w/ no message. Anyways, I am totally embarassed at this point and tell her how it went down - and she is completely cool with it, taking it all in stride like a champ. I tell her I'm happy to delete the post, and she decides she's rather I read it to her and leave it up. "No way don't delete it, it's really cute actually!"


Short story, I kept my cool and tried to resolve it like a gentleman and it completly turned out the way I was hoping. We've now got a date lined up for this Friday, and both had kind of a funny/awkward moment that helped break the ice of the initial call. :laugh:

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Hey, thanks a lot for all the encouragement folks - it's greatly appreciated. She just called me a little bit ago to confirm everything is still on, and I've got a pretty swank little evening lined up! At this point all I can do is see what happens, but I have a really good feeling about this one. :)

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