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My Problem

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Hi, I'm a high school 10th grade student (male). I have a major problem. I just... suck at talking to people. Sure I know how to join a conversation.

Sure I know how to make a joke. Sure I can make someone laugh. But never have I ever been able to strike up a conversation. I'm just horrible at conversation. I have nothing to talk about with people. If its gossip then I'm not 'in' on the gossip and if its just casual talking... casual talking like I'm trying to do with her. I'm hopeless at it. I was either born without a funny bone or lack the sense of humour everyone else has.

I asked her out to the school formal a few weeks ago. Back then I blew it; things went out of hand and what was originally meant to be a private and casual "Hey I'll ask you out" became embarrassing for the both of us

In short, she said 'no' to going to the formal with me but acted nice about it. She said I should 'be more confident'. I just have no idea how to do this. Does anyone have any advice as to how to be a better conversationalist? Or... how to be 'more confident'?

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This might sound silly... Take a psychology class, take more english classes, read more, and take a rhetoric class (anything with public speaking). You will be good to go... You're young, so relax!!! With those classes you'll understand how people think, you will have an excellent command over the english language, and you will be able to speak in public without being nervous.


You'll be mad nice.

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