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Is it me or is it just about sex?

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Okay so there is this guy. We use to be friends back in hs. We lost touch for 3 years and then ran into each other at a bar where my cousin was having his 30th birthday party with most of the family. We talked for a bit, he asked for my number and I gave it to him.


So for the last 2 months, we have been talking. Constant IM chatting, texting, emails and what not. After a certain point we kind of blurred the line and ended up getting a little too sexual in our conversations a good 85% of the time.


Don't get me wrong, its been fun and I love sex, but I'm not sure if its anything more then just two friends reconnecting and getting benefits along the way.


So the next thing I know is that last friday night, he invited me over, his room mate was home too. We all sat around talking, joking, even playing a few games, like questions, so that it wouldn't be too boring. His room mate asked us, at different times, what we thought of one another. He told me he that he wanted to reconnect, maybe even try to have a possible romance that didn't happen back in hs, since he had a gf a good amount of the time, and that he liked me. It was mutual.


But see, I'm not too sure. Guys sometimes say stuff just to get a little further in the physical playing field with a girl. I mean don't get me wrong, he is a good guy, just that he specified up front, that he had gotten out of a 4 year long relationship that was on and off, and wanted to take things slow and just "have fun". We hooked up a little, and he got worried and made me spend the night just cause it was late (it was after 3:30am). So I did and he was very nice. We pretty much just slept in the bed and didn't do the deed, which was a first for me with a guy that I'm interested in.


But I'm confused on a lot, due to the fact that after something like that, in my past, a guy usually tries to have more conversations with me, wants to hang out more, and even takes time out of his busy schedule to be around me. I know that sounds full of myself and selfish, but after a certain point of the last 4 years, you kind of get use to that pattern.


So if I'm wrong, then do you think I'm just worrying about nothing or am I'm on to something that I just don't fully see yet?


*Oh and we're both 21 just for reference on anyone wanting to know how old me and him are currently*

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