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Why are the guys I really like always the ones that can never go out with me?

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Ok, what is wrong with me? People always say I'm beautiful, even though I just think I am average, so why do I have problems meeting guys? About 2 weeks ago I met the guy of my dreams, he was a few years older, GOREGEOUS, a lifeguard and our personalities matched perfectly! We spent a lot of time together, and I learnt that he had plans to go to Australia for a couple of months, when I asked him what is going on between us he said he'll think about it and get back to me. We met up and he said hecould feel himself falling for me and that already he didnt want to leave me to go to Australia, so he thought we should stop it now before he liked me even more. He said he has only had the spark and the passion he has with me with only two people in his life. He spent the rest of the evening telling me how much of an idiot he was and how much he already really regrets his decision, but when i asked him if he'd ever change his mind, he said "I don't think so , no."


Why did he do this? Wouldn't it make more sense to make good use of the time we'v got? I don't have a spark with many guys I've met, in fact I think I've only had that kind of spark with one other guy. And for me, no matter how badly a realtionship ends, the actual relationship was worth the pain I felt when it ended. The only thing is that now I find myself surrounded with really nice guys who like me, and at some point I have liked them too, but just now I find that I have no spark with them, and since experiencing the spark with the lifeguard guy, I don't want tosettle for a relationship with no spark. ( about a month ago I ended a 9month relationship for this reason, there was no passion or spark) Why are the guy I really like always the ones that can never go out with me? I want the spark, I want the romance, I want the movie. I know its unrealistic and I sho8uld jsut accept reality but how can I do that when I have experienced something so amazing that anything less would seem meaningless?Help me please!Sorry, thats a lot to take in!

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They say, you attract what you are. Is there any way you might be sending out negative vibes? Are you self-assured and happy with yourself?

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