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Asking her to semi-formal.

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Hi! I wanted to ask this girl to semi, but now I'm left in a tough situation. Here it goes: I asked her whether she was going to semi or not, and she said no she wasn't and that it wasn't her thing. What should I do to ask her now that she already knows that I know she doesn't want to go?


Thank you very much! :)

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Well I hate to tell you this but she's already pretty much given her your answer.


You can always take a stab at it and ask her again by saying "Hey, have you changed your mind about semi by any chance because I'd love to take you if you have. What do you say?"


Good luck! (Love your screen name by the way.)

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Ask her why it isn't her thing and then, after she explains, say "That's too bad because I wanted to ask you to go with me." and see how she reacts. If she seems sincerely disappointed then ask her. If she seems enthusiastic about you asking but not happy about the venue, then ask her to a movie or something. If she wrinkles up her nose at the entire thing, make a joke of it, pretending you wanted to get a reaction out of it, then extricate yourself from the convo and slink away. ;)

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Thank you very much Touche and Trialbyfire! I'm pretty sure that was what she meant. I guess I could try to ask her again, but I bet my best bet is to find someone else because there are plenty of girls in this world! :D Although it does take a while to lose your feelings for one girl. :(

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So explain to me what the difference between asking her and she says "No" and not asking her are, besides a little bit of hurt ego? This is your worst case scenario.


The other scenarios are that she will either say "yes" or she will accept an alternate date request.

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True say, Trialbyfire. Thank you! What would you guys say if you liked someone in your dorm hall and it's really hard to meet one-on-one/how would/should you act?

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