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Do you really ask in a subtle way?

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Guys, assuming you are interested in a girl, you have hung out a couple of times before, do you ask a girl to hang out by "casually" bringing up what you are doing this weekend? Or saying "I think you would like this" but not actually invite her?

Or would I be assuming that is what the guy is doing and really he is making small talk and I am hoping?


Brief background~

Girl tells Boy it's her birthday and she is going out.

Boy asks Girl when and says I will come.

Boy comes, Girl and Boy have good time.

A few days later, Girl asks Boy to dinner.

Boy responds with Yeah we could do that.

They don't.

A month later, Girl tell Boy she is going to a party

Boy says he will go too.

Boy goes, Girl goes, they have fun

Boy talks to Other Girl for awhile.

Girl says something to Boy and realizes it's innocent

Boy takes weird satisfaction in seeing Girl jealous

Still no dinner

As the weeks go by, Boy begins making jokes to

antagonize Girl

Boy then tells Girl he is going to a party

Girl feels awkward because Boy does not invite her

Boy goes to party, then tells Girl about all other girls

falling all over him...

Does Boy even like Girl, or is girl crazy?


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Girl needs to drop this Boy. Boy seems a little too into himself and other Girls falling all over him at parties. Boy probably sees Girl as One of the Girls Who Fall All Over Him.


Men, on the other hand, actually invite women they like out on dates and make her feel special.

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He is just trying to make you jealous or he really is just not interested, either way, I had an ex bf that was like that, its not worth it...

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The other posters said you need to drop the guy, but that's exactly what's keeping you hanging around. If he was a complete a-hole to you, you'd drop it. If he was an overly nice guy, you'd probably not be as interested, or I could be wrong.


He wants you. You're not crazy. He's a player though. He knows what he's doing, and he's setting you up to sleep with him. You just won't see it coming until after it happens. If you want this guy, put the ball in your court. You are pursuing him right now, so he has the advantage. Make him pursue you. Flirt with him, and when he responds, change the subject.


Wink at him when you walk by, or playfully touch him while your talking in regular conversation. You don't have to be bubbly or giggly, but when you flirt and don't respond to his advances, he'll go crazy, wondering if you like him or not. He'll pursue you and the ball will be in your court. Do with him what you will after that.


I know some people say you shouldn't play childish games, but they can be fun. If you want to be serious all your life, then ignore my advice, but if you're a fun person, try it and see what happens. You're not together anyway, so the worse that could happen is that you end up without him. You have nothing to lose.

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You are absolutely correct. No he is not an arsehole in any way. He is on the verge of being way too nice, but then mixes it up by having the witty humor I love and being a smartarse. I do like him and I would love for the game playing to stop, did I mention this has been going on for a year or more.

What makes it complicated is that we work for the same company, not in he same office or anywhere near to have to see each other everyday. We do at least talk on the phone everyday at work though.

He could be a player and I always thought he was, however, after getting to know him over the last few years, I am not so sure anymore. He definitely could, as he has what it takes to be one. He is a single dad though and is all about his children, never has a bad word to say about anyone, even people who deserve it. I know his ex hurt him very badly, cheating, coming back then cheating again. So the guy could very well be gun shy, or I could be making excuses for him, I don't know.

How do I get this proverbial ball back in my court? I think I already do what you mentioned and I almost think it is adding to the game playing...

or maybe and I hope it is not this one, maybe he is so nice that he does not want to hurt my feelings and just wants to be friends...

Oh and just recently, he suggested I and a friend be at the same place he was taking his daughter, so I met one of his children... don't you only do that if it's a friend they are meeting?

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