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Can anything good come out getting back together or is it doomed from the start?


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Just curious to get a few opinions and personal experiences with getting back with the ex? Do you learn anything new? I guess the real question is can anything good come out of it or is the relationship all ready doomed to fail again?

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As I've stated before in various posts, I think people break up for a reason. Unless BOTH parties involved are seriously committed to making the return a success, things are definitely doomed to fail again. But I think that holds true for whole other relationships as well.


The thing to consider most is why you want to be in a relationship at all, let alone with this person with whom you split in the first place. Is it loneliness? Because if that's the motivation, DO NOT get re-involved. Is it love for each other, but with some other conflict; something unresolved that would creep up again? That needs serious work from both you and your ex, as I said already.


Know thyself. Understand where you're coming from, and where your ex is coming from, and what the heck you want out of a relationship. Perhaps you just want to casually date. <shrug> I can't suggest what I don't know from that standpoint. But I do know that relationships are darn hard work, and although I have my own slew of failed ones, I hold firmly to the belief that mutual hard work is extremely well worth it.



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