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Where have I been? :)


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Hey all,


A lot of people have been wondering why I've not been posting as frequently here as I had previously. Rather than try to explain it to everyone, I figured I'd put a post on here that you could all read.


I've not disappeared. I still check this page multiple times throughout the day and make sure everything's working as it should, however I found that I'm unable, at this time, to both concern myself with all of the issues on here and the issues in my own personal life. It sounds weird I know -- but right now, I'm a point in my life where I need to concentrate on me for a while. I've found that when I'm busy hosting the LoveShack, I more often than not forget about myself and my life. I overanalyze everything. Therefore, I've chosen to take a break from the LoveShack for a while. I'm still here and I still read each posting, as well as listen in on the chat server, however I'm making an effort to not advise on anything right now. I will be back though. :) I'm not leaving this just yet. ;) I'd like to thank everyone who has been contributing to the board though, and to the chat server. A lot of "non-hosts" are really frequenting the page and giving very solid, well-thought out ideas and answers, and I appreciate that very much. It's wonderful to see complete strangers helping each other for such a good cause! And of course, I'd like to continue to thank all of my good friends whom I've met over the past year and their dedication to this organization, who have been like a family to me in some of the loneliest times of my life. Each of the hosts here are wonderful individuals, who without their help, our little channel would have never amounted to what it is today with over 1,000 distinct visitors each week and over 800 registered guests. I thank you all again for your support and time and hope that this continues to be a resource that everyone can use. If anyone would like to become a host, you may contact me via e-mail and I'll be more than happy to discuss it further with you. My best wishes to you all!





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