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Wax, shave, or other?

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Please reply as to whether you shave, wax, or do whatever to get rid of your body hair.

Also, do you wax your eyebrows yourself, tweeze yourself, or go somewhere to get them waxed? Thanks!

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I shave my legs using a good quality lady razor and mousse, bikini area and arm pits the same but I tend to put cream on after to avoid rash. I pluck my eyebrows just to tidy them up. It hurts like hell to start with but you soon get used to it. Just hold the skin taught whilst you pluck. I've never tried waxing because as far as I know the hair has to be a certain length before the wax is effective and I can't stand it when the hair starts growing back.

i wouldn't recommend waxing your eyebrows. I think it looks awful when someone has waxed all their eyebrows off and has to wear eyebrow pencil, it looks so false. Just tidy them up instead, pluck from underneath.

Hope this helps.

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MarieW - waxing your eyebrows does not mean taking them off completely. If you have a good esthetecian, she'll shape your eyebrows beautifully using wax and tweezers. The wax is just a faster way to get the sections off that aren't wanted. Yes, it hurts a bit but it's not horrible and she has lotions to put on that take away the ouch.

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I shave my legs, usually using a gel, although lately I've started to use a mosturizing bath lotion by Dove (I have no idea why) that works pretty well too. As for eyebrows, I've never waxed. I used to tweeze, but now I just use a nice pair of trimming scissors to shape them when I need to. Lucky for me, not too much cutting is required

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