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a slowly progressing fwb relationship...

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hello all,


i met this girl through a friend, she hangs out with me and the guys and we all have a great time. she gorgeous and funny and has a ton of things in common with me. so we mix well. one day i asked for her number, ever since then i text her now and again about the common nonsense. one day she asked me stuff about sex andsomehow we got into deep conversation. some pictures were exchanged etc.. anywho, i hung out with her and a group of friends the other night, supposedly she is talking to a friend of mine yet she also wants to talk to me. to be honest i think with me its mainly sexual. but hey right now i dont mind at all. the second we had a chance alone she jumped on me and grabbed me and kissed me and basically went nuts. now from the way that we talk i feel like its just up in the air where she stands. the way she talks to me really doesnt hint much that she wants to talk to me in that way. maybe jus fool around when she sees me. my main question is, how to figure out what to do about this, what i can do to see where she stands, and if she actually likes me. ive asked her, shes said yes, but sometimes i think differently. maybe i can say a few clever things to keep me on her mind? i dont mind that it would be a sexual friendship btw, perfectly fine with that. thanks for your help!

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Hmm I'm confused at the part in your story where she was talking to a friend yet she wants to talk to you? i don't think that plays a major part in this, but correct me if i'm wrong if it does


Anyway, obviously she must like you a whole lot if she does all of this stuff to you, when you and her are alone. But, there are many different types of 'like'. What i would suggest doing is trying to find out which it is. Examples: like as a friend, like as a really good person, and like as someone who you find that fits yourself almost exactly. By process-of-elimination, it has to be the last one. Of course there are more examples of like, but the list will never end.


Just try and be a little more of yourself that your normally not. Hopefully you get what i mean 'cause its hard to explain lol

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hello all,


i dont mind that it would be a sexual friendship btw, perfectly fine with that.


Is that what you want only or are/were you hoping to actually date her?

Are you fine if she also sleeps with and dates other guys while having sex with you? Think of what you're comfortable with, in terms of her flirtation with this other guy. If you can't handle absolute non exclusivity with her, both sexually and emotionally, then don't get into a fwb with her.


Flirt with her. Ask her if she'd like to have a fwb and see what she says. Keep in mind, with a few exceptions, there isn't a lot of 'friendliness' at the downwinding of a fwb.

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