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Taking a Friendship to the next level(FWB) in 2 weeks

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Hi I(boy) have been good friends with an Italian exchange student(girl) ever since she arrived, in fact i was the first person she met on her exchange, she has been here for six months now, she is leaving in 2 weeks and i have been thinking about taking our solid friendship to the next level. I know a serious relationship is out of the question as she will be 10 000 miles away in a couple of weeks. What should i do?

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You don't know Italian girls very well, do you?:rolleyes:


They fall into two categories.

Those who come from a good, strong Roman catholic upbringing and background, and who would not dream of simply having a sexual fling for the sake of it! And -

Those who cast caution to the wind, and end up calling you 2 months later because they're pregnant, and their father and brothers know where you live - so buy a ring, now......


An awful lot of Italian girls walk up the aisle carrying a litle lodger.....

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