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mixed up

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I've know this guy for few months now, but I'm so confused regarding what is happening to me. It started all when he proposed to me that he wants me to become his girlfriend but the sad part is he is committed already and have kids. I told him that I'm not a kind of person who flirts and have a relationship with a married guy. All I can offer him is friendship nothing more, nothing less. He accepted what i want and we continue to become friends.


As time goes by, we became close I look up to him as my older brother since he is much older than me and he never asked me again about his proposal. He treats me nice and I felt very comfortable and secured while I'm with him, he is always there for me to listen and understand all the crazy things I'm doing. He is the only person right now I trust outside my family.


But the problem is I think I'm beginning to feel something for him and I didn't plan or expect this to happened. I have set on my mind that we are just friends and I would not do anything to hurt his wife and his kids. I am so confused whether to stay away from him so that my feelings will not grow but I am worried because I know our friendship will be at risk and i don't want to lose him or go with the flow and let it be besides I am sure now that he only likes me as his younger sister.


My mind is so mixed up, I can't understand all the emotions I have now.

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