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Is a female obliged to pay if her date pisses her off and she cuts out early?


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:eek: Question to both ladies and men.


I have been out of the dating scene for quite some time so I would like your views on this...


If you go out on a date and a guy really offends you or you get ticked off and want to walk out do you stop from your "dramatic exit" to drop money off on the table or to the waiter or is it a case of "tough luck buddy" to the date?

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A person of class and manners will tell the other person he/she is offended and why. Then, if it's the lady, she can offer money for her part and advise the guy that she would be more comfortable calling for a ride or taking a cab home. In making a disgraceful scene, you show you are no better than the person who has irritated or offended you. Take the high road always. Dramatic exits are childish and immature. It works for movie scripts but it's not something proper in real life.


Of course, if you want to burn his house down at another time...that's your business.

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if i was super angry and he insulted me blatantly i would be polite and leave. no i would not leave money...but if it was a situation where we know we both dont get along, i would split it and part nicely.

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Well one way to answer the question would be to turn it around and think how you would feel if He got ticked off and left and stuck you with the bill. Would you feel that was fair?

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