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i met a guy over six months ago, we start hanging out, & seeing each other when we can (we live an 1.5 hours away from each other). in this time frame hanging out with him i didn't discuss exclusivity or whether or not we were dating because i assumed if he called me daily and sent me text messages throughout the day i didn't need to ask. I wanted to and should have i guess. thing is now after six months i go to get on my computer after having him spend the weekend with me to find he left his email account logged in. i looked. it's terrible that i looked but what i found justified it i think. point is i found an email from another chick sitting in his inbox. the email was only a week old... so i looked further to find more emails. i call him at 1 in the morning to ask cus i couldn't wait. he tells me that yes he had slept with another chick in the time that we had been talking and he justified it as the distance and he was unsure whether i wanted exclusivity and he didn't want to scare me off if i was just in it for the sex. now i'm let wondering if it's a total BS line to cover his stupidity.

he asked me if i wanted to be exclusive and to start kind of from scratch cus my company is a distinct privilege and i'm far better company than the other chick who he referred to as trifling...? i do like the guy we get along great aside from this. Actually we get a long better than any guy that i have been with up till now, and i mean in conversation, past times, interests, sex, etc.


would i be ignorant to try the LDR if this how he is, or how he justifies screwing around. or was he technically not doing anything wrong because the parameters of the relationship were never explored.

any insight would be helpful. i think i could try to trust him i just don't know if i should.

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From personal experience, I'd get rid of him. If you're sleeping with someone and spending A LOT of time with for more than a few weeks and they start sleeping with someone else, break it off. Sure you're not technically dating but it speaks loads about their character. And six months?!


Point in case, I was with my ex for a month. We both had opportunities to sleep with other people, she did because we weren't "exclusive". I didn't because I truly cared for her. I didn't break up with her and she ended up cheating on me again down the road.


If all you want from this guy is sex, stay with him. Otherwise, end it.

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