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Should I ask her out?

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ok well heres the deal

one of my good friends has been going out with a complete dick (sorry) for a good while now

she broke up with him once for a month or so, then got back with him

i have liked her ever since i have met her

i told her i liked her right before those two started officially being bf/gf

she was ok with it, didnt really say anything about it, and we have been pretty close friends ever since

me and her ex never liked eachother, never will

whenever i am over at her house, he gets extremely pissed off/jealous and either just yells at her the whole time or comes over

me and her went on a trip a few months ago, just me and her, just as friends and he didnt like that one bit


anywho, a few weeks ago they broke up i guess

and some of my friends are really pushing me to ask her on a date cause they know how much i like her

and i guess they said something to her or asked her something and she said she wants a guy that will treat her nice and not be a dick, which suprised me

they kinda hinted at me i guess

but i have a few things...


1. It kind of bugs me that she broke up with him before, and got back with him. whos to say she wont do it again?

2. a few weeks ago, i was kind of an ass to her, but i did apologize. im not really sure how she feels about that

3. since our trip, since her bf blew up, we haven't hung out or really even talked

4. her parents seem to like me....which i know is usually a bad thing

5. i dont seem like her type of guy really...could just be my thoughts


what do you guys/gals think i should do?

should i ask her out on a date?

or should i just remain her friend?

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I think if you like her you'd be a fool not to try to get her out and alone on some romantic night or day and kiss her. Otherwise if your not into her forget it

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You sould definitely try to start dating her... You have all these questions in your head but you do realize that paranoia and feelings of inadequacy are just normal when it comes to courting a girl that you really like... First things first is that you have to try... and after that then you can start contemplating the relationship

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