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Should I tell him? Finally accept it?


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Well, ive posted a few times about a good friend of mine, whom i ended up making out with sometime in the summer. Afterwards it all got very confusing, I felt he just wanted a FWB, but never actually said it.


In any case, I went back with my bf and felt guilty talking to Him. I felt like i was cheating on my bf every time i answered my friend's calls or texts. At some point my bf asked me to make the decision to cut my friend for good. At this time I really wanted to work things out with my bf so I told my friend i couldnt talk to him anymore.


He asked me if I had feelings for me....I denied it and sorta turned the question around. He didnt respond, just kinda avoided it.


In any case a few weeks later I realized I had made a mistake and broke it off with my bf. I tried contacting my friend again, but he isnt having it...


ANyway i was reading an old email from a friend that knew us both. In it she was talking about how my friend liked me and how it was so obvious to everyone. I had totally forgotten about this email, and about other things that made me realize he's liked me for a very long time.


I guess that I have liked him as well but i have never really wanted to recognized it.


So my question is....I know he isnt really talking to me right now...but do you think i should let him know how i feel about him anyway? Maybe accept that part of what made me push him away were my feelings for him that i coudlnt acknowledge???


Is this a good idea or am i asking for more unnecessary drama?

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i think its a good idea... since you already took a huge step breaking up with your boyfriend because like u said you realized you had feelings for your friend, then why dont you just do everything in one big swoop and tell your friend how you feel... You wouldnt want to regret two things in your life right?

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