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What is wrong with me?


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I have lived with my girlfriend for more than 2 years, and everything was going great, even thinking about wedding dates and share the rest of our lifes together.


My big problem started when I met this girl not so long ago, I felt very attracted to her but we were just friends, she knew I had a girlfriend. Suddenly she told me that she is leaving town and invited me to her good bye party. I went alone and at the end of theparty we end up confessing our mutual attraction. we saw each other few more times and now she left with a broken heart. We prommised to keep in touch, and see how things work out later on.


Now I'm here feeling very guilty with both of them and having doubths about all the marriage thing.


Any advice will be greatly appreciated!



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If you are a normal male, you will ALWAYS be attracted to women regardless of your status as a single or married person. That's just how we are made. In our lifetime, if we do not commit to one person, we are free to roam the candy store of romance forever...breaking hearts along the way...and having our own heart broken as well.


Once you find someone with whom you feel a desire for mutual commitment, you will continue to be attracted to others but you will not act upon it. It seems like you are NOT ready to be committed to anyone at this point. If you were, you would not pose the question you did.


My advice is to not make plans with either of these ladies until you have found someone about whom you have no doubts and with whom you wish to be committed. Meantime, have fun and chill.


When you are in love, you will have no doubts. That you ask this question tells me you are either not sure about the lady you've been dating or you simply aren't ready. I may be wrong...perhaps you feel this new lady may be THE ONE, only you can know for sure.


But again, I stress, you can fall for lady after lady all your life and deny yourself the incredible happiness that comes with loving one person in a very special way. You do this by going from infatuation to infatuation which is the direction you are about to take.


I hope I have given you some insight. Good luck in your search. When you find Ms. Right, your heartbeat will double in speed, being in her presence will be a high like to drug can offer and you won't have to post a question on this forum...you will know.

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