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proof that God is not angry with anyone

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Here's how I found positive proof that God is not angry with anyone. I have been out in the middle of 2 thunderstorms in the past month.


Just to confirm my belief that God is not angry with anyone I shook my fist in the sky & cursed God.


I thought of every foul name in the book to call God and I started shouting "God if you are angry at me or anyone else then strike me dead!" Well guess what? nothing happened. Yeah I was a little nervous doing this experiment.


I plan to apply this experiment 3 more times during the next 3 thunderstorms. So it's an interesting test. If God does not strike you dead then either it proves He's not angry with you or He does not exist.


If God is real then He is love. God does love everyone unconditionally. He's not angry with anyone. Bet on that! God has not given us a spirit of fear.


Don't be afraid to test God during a thunderstorm. In fact it might even be good therapy to cuss God out when you are angry. Just cuss His name out until your heart is content. He can handle it.


It's better to take out your anger on God than it is to take it out on another human being who might just retaliate.

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I plan to apply this experiment 3 more times during the next 3 thunderstorms. So it's an interesting test. If God does not strike you dead then either it proves He's not angry with you or He does not exist.



I dunno...

If I was god, some person shaking their fist at me during a storm would be the least of my concerns.

I'd be a little madder at those who break my commandments all the time, like rapists, thieves, murderers and warmongers....

Now I'd really come down on them like a ton of bricks!


But so far - so nothing. Seems very quiet on all of that.


Your demonstration therefore, is small fry in comparison, don't you think?


Therefore, I think your second assumption is probably far more accurate.





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If God does not strike you dead then either it proves He's not angry with you or He does not exist.
Ahem.....excuse me? This doesn't prove anything except the fact that God has OTHER plans for your life besides striking you dead......


I wouldn't advise anyone to go out in the middle of a T-storm and raise their hands.....


The only reason you probably didn't get struck is because you were around objects much taller than you are.


Lighting, (Just like any electricity) is LAZY and will take the path of least resistance.....


If you were in the middle of a nice flat field with no trees around, you'd have a much better chance of getting struck.....by NATURE, not God.......

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Actually, lightning comes up from the ground, and meets lightning coming down from the sky... that's why lightning sometimes DOES strike twice in the same place.


Be careful where you stand. :cool:

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Ground to cloud lightning is the usual type of lightning that most people see. Lightning discharges from the ground to the cloud or vice versa. The ground acts as a pool of electrical charge, and when the clouds gain charge, the ground attempts to balance out the charge by gathering the opposite charge beneath the cloud system. When the difference between the charges increase to a high enough point, the break down of air occurs and lightning between the cloud and the ground occurs. Normally the lightning starts from the ground and flows upward toward the clouds, but the opposite may also occur.


from here.

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Actually, lightning comes up from the ground, and meets lightning coming down from the sky... that's why lightning sometimes DOES strike twice in the same place.


Be careful where you stand. :cool:

Yeah....I knew this....that's why the tallest object(s) get hit first......the charge will follow a path CLOSEST to the opposite charge.....
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Yay me...!! In a crowd of basketball players, I'll be safest! I'm 4'10"... by comparison, I'm standing next to skyscrapers!




maybe chris250's really short too.... :cool::p

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I plan to apply this experiment 3 more times during the next 3 thunderstorms. So it's an interesting test. If God does not strike you dead then either it proves He's not angry with you or He does not exist.



It proves nothing.


First of all, make this post after you have done it three more times. Then come back and we can talk about the fallacies of your experiment.


Second, What have you done that makes you think God is angry with you?


Third, if God is angry with you, what makes you think He will bother killing you now? Based on the Bible, He has control over your life, and He knows when you will die. Your little experiment is simply confirming your reservation.


God is a busy God. He looks down at your little squeaks and say, "Hmmph, that little feller is already taken care of. I have My people to be concerned with."


Silence does not mean non-existence.


And if you do not think He exists, why waste your time? If lightening is a natural occurrence that can strike anyone, why put yourself at risk?

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is god angry with infants who die horribly painful deaths just after they are born ? why ?


Maybe to spare them a long life of misery?


Maybe to talk baby talk to all the other babies in Heaven?


Maybe to bring faith to those who loved the baby?


Who knows???

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Either that or the universe is indifferent to our suffering. I prefer simple explanations to grasping at straws.




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Well I'm a christian universalist so it does not matter because I believe everyone is going to be saved. You can curse God and not lose your salvation.

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proof? That I was not smote (smoted?) at my daddy's funeral yesterday after making several irreverent remarks at the rosary and at the graveside service :p


not sure if my tía wasn't ready to smack me, though.

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Way to stir up the nest, chris. :)





It is always good to have you in the nest with us. :laugh:


Well I'm a christian universalist so it does not matter because I believe everyone is going to be saved. You can curse God and not lose your salvation.


Your god must be a weak being who has no respect for himself or you.


I would not put my faith in such a god who cannot or will not punish sin and gives the same reward to those who hate him and to those who love him.


The God who created this world is not that god.

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God probably wouldn't use lightning to strike you down. Being omnipotent and all that jazz, my bet is that she'd play with you a bit. Make sure you hit all the red lights, lose your keys, always wind up in the wrong line at the grocery store.... Stuff like that.


She's too busy to smite you at the moment... It's NFL season.


Just to be on the safe side... you wear rubber souls right?

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Your god must be a weak being who has no respect for himself or you.

Or maybe chris' god is above that sort of pettiness. No ego to bruise, above jealousy. I've been insulted and criticised countless times, mostly by people on the internet who I've never met and really don't know that much about me. Now if I'm capable of shrugging it off as hot air instead of wanting to use my power to make them miserable (or more miserable than they have already demonstrated themselves to be) then why can't god?


"Weak" is the last word I'd use to describe such behaviour.

I would not put my faith in such a god who cannot or will not punish sin and gives the same reward to those who hate him and to those who love him.

What happened to forgiveness, for they know not what they do? Where did all the high-minded rhetoric about mercy and forgiveness go, from a god who wants nobody to suffer?


Sometimes I just can't figure you Christians out.




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He's not angry with you or He does not exist.
Or he's too busy killing someone else and He will kill you later - and not that quickly! ;)
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It is always good to have you in the nest with us. :laugh:




Your god must be a weak being who has no respect for himself or you.


I would not put my faith in such a god who cannot or will not punish sin and gives the same reward to those who hate him and to those who love him.


The God who created this world is not that god.


Only self righteous people oppose the God of universalism. What makes you so special to think you deserve heaven while someone else doesn't? You think you are better than others? You sound like the older jealous brother in the story of the prodigal son.


If God is going to send one person to hell then He would have to send everyone else in order to be just because we've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. There is no difference.


I could not trust a god who could not or would not save everyone. If there is even a chance that one soul would be excluded from heaven then I have no reason to believe that I'm included in heaven because I'm not better than anyone else.


But I'll see you in heaven too no matter how self righteous you act until you get there. It does not change the fact that God has already made you righteous through Christ apart from your works or faith even if you want to believe that you had a part to play in your salvation.


So if it makes you feel better to think that God should give you special treatment over someone else then knock yourself out.

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The proof is the world is still here. As wicked as we are, we are still here.


Wickedness is never an expression of our true selves. Humanity is inherently good because God is good and He made us in His image and likeness. So who we are at the core of our being is good.


The only way for me to be convinced that I'm right with God is to be convinced that everyone else is right with God. I have no reason to believe I'm qualified to go to heaven unless everyone else is qualified first. Otherwise I would be self righteous.


I could never walk around with a clear conscience before God unless everyone else on this planet was right with God. I believe everyone else is right with God and that's the only reason I believe I'm right with God. It's got nothing to do with my works or behavior or my faith. It's all about what God did for me & everyone else through Christ.

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