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About two years ago, I went out with this great guy for about a month. For various reasons, we stopped going out because he said he really liked me but I didn't act interested. I was just shy. we had mutual friends so we ran into each other occasionally and even kissed once, but I haven't seen him in about a year. I can't get him out of my head! Something just makes me think he is right for me. Would he think I'm crazy if I just called him up out of the blue? I can't get him out of my head and I'm going to drive myself crazy. I'm scared of rejection but I also don't want to miss out if he would like to go back out. Since we only went out for a month, would I be crazy to call? Please help.

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About two years ago, I went out with this great guy for about a month. For various reasons, we stopped going out because he said he really liked me but I didn't act interested. I was just shy. we had mutual friends so we ran into each other occasionally and even kissed once, but I haven't seen him in about a year. I can't get him out of my head! Something just makes me think he is right for me. Would he think I'm crazy if I just called him up out of the blue? I can't get him out of my head and I'm going to drive myself crazy. I'm scared of rejection but I also don't want to miss out if he would like to go back out. Since we only went out for a month, would I be crazy to call? Please help.




No, it's not crazy. At least you will be able to put an end to the wondering. Try very hard to supress your fears and just give him a call. And if he says no, then forget about him.


Think of it this way. The rejection you feel will only last a short time, and you'll be able to bounce back. But the wondering "what if" may haunt you for a very long time.


And what if he says yes? Then great, you can have fun with him again. And be sure to do just that. Enjoy his company. But don't commit yourself to just him right now. You need time to find out for yourself what makes you happy. And you need to be comfortable with who you are as a person.


Good luck,



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Call him immediately and resolve this thing. My own head is filled with visions of beautiful women I never walked up to and introduced myself to, women I rejected because they were too nice (and now I wish so that they were around), ladies that moved away while we were dating, women that I was not interested in at the time but were interested in me (and now I am interested). I know how crazy this can drive a person.


However, I also know that the image of how an encournter and a relationship with them that you conjure up in your head is not accurate most of the time. In the several cases that I did hook up with some of them later, the meeting was disappointing. Some were sweet, some weren't but none were a good match. One had gained about 150 pounds, had become a school teacher, and talked to me like I was attending my first day of class.


As for fear of rejection, it's great (well, sort of). It won't kill you, accept it as a simple reality of life like auditioning actors do, but the best thing is it brings you a step closer to real love each time. Just because a shopper buys oranges, doesn't make the nearby apples and bananas any less appealing to other shoppers before and after.


Still, this could be Mr. Right. Not likely, but possible. Go for it and ease your pain.

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