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Crush on a hallmate

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Hello! I would firstly like to say thank you for reading this post.


There's this girl I have a crush on and she's one of my hallmates. She's a type of girl that provides mix signals and is really fun to be with. But one problem, my best friend, who I whom told him that I liked her seems to like her although he reassures that he doesn't (a while ago). Sometimes he would be all over her, and even called her hot one time lol. Well he is my friend, so I'm not sure what to do. I guess I should discuss this with him?


As for the girl, sometimes she would be all over me (as of late she has been a little touchy, fixing my shirt, throw things at me, make fun of me, or something) and before not so much. As for my best friend, he seems to try and get closer to her (sit with her) and really just "improve" on what I'm doing with her. Sometimes, I even feel that she likes him too.


What should I do? Should I let it go? As they say: "Bros before hoes"


Thank you very much.

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"Bros before hoes"


If you're going to go with some catch phrases.. how about "All is fair in love and war" and "He who hesitates is lost"?


Something to chew on.

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Lol, not at all. But what I really want to know is what to do about the friend situation. I find many times he would make me feel like a moron or something stupid like that.

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