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Boys Night Out

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All right, so my FWB is having a night out with our male friends tomorrow night - they were more then vocal about it being a boys night only - which is more then cool.


However, some of the people from work want to go to the same bar after our shift is over, and I know that I'm going to run into them.


My question is, if I do run into them what do I do? Do I stop by and say Hi? Do I wave from a distance? Look and give the smooth cool nod? LOL, or do I be way immature about it and ignore them?

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Tough question. I think you should probably let him know you'll be there as well, so no surprises. If you run into him, definitely stop by and say hey, but make it brief so the guys can hang out together.


Given that, they may decide to go elsewhere (that can be awkward) or combine groups, or whatever, but I would definitely give him some heads up.

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