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Odd relationship patterns more baffling than crop circles.


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It seems odd that every single relationship I have starts the same way, end the same way and it's always with the same type of girl.


Case in point:


Every girl that I have dated and really, really liked from the first time I ever met her; therefore, saw potential in, has always started off slow, never went anywhere and I always ended up getting dumped.


This has happened six times in the past couple of years and I'm about to get dropped by #7 (if I haven't been written off already) any day now.


There is a variant to this one in which the girls want to be friends, this has happened three times. I have enough friends as it is and am looking to sell off some of them on eBay.




Every girl that I have dated, cannot stand from the get go always starts off fast & furious with crazy sex and not much else, always turns into a long, torrid ordeal which, at times makes me want to cut my arm off in the middle of the night (not really but you get the picture). I always end up dumping them.


This has happened to me about 10 times in the past couple of years and I'm starting to get involved with a #11 and am still being stalked by #5.




Then you have the in-betweeners that are one hit wonders, maybe a little more at best. Those I can deal with.


All in all, this is the one thing that is making me look forward to getting married sometime in the future. This stuff gets my nerves.



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not much to comment here on... you aren't doing anything wrong, just keep trying your luck with the women. sooner or later you'll find one that you link to. i'm having the same problem too, so you ain't the only either. that's why i've just decided to float around for awhile. sooner or later we'll bump into someone we can enjoy.


- Yeti

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Originally posted by Rhino

Well at least you are out there and giving it all a try. Personally, I gave up for a while and don't know how to get back in the "game".





Thanks for the reassurances.


As for you Rhino, here's a great way to practice getting back into the game.


The strange thing is that I'm not really looking for relationships, they seem to fall in my lap. The harder you look, the less you see.

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Im kinda in a similar situation. I completely fell for this chik and chased her for a year until we hooked up. We dated for a year or so and have now been broke up for year and I just blocked her out completely cause she dumped me. Recently I started answering her calls again and we have met up with each other and actually had sex but since she lives 80 miles away at college now she doesnt want to get "tied down" and she just wants to be friends. So im like wtf.....I dont know what to do.

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Our expectations often create our realities. To stop these patterns, you have to stop believing in them and giving them energy. Hope for the best, look forward to the best and absolutely expect that a good quality relationship will come into your life and you'll be very surprised. As long as you expect a certain time of scenario, that will happen for you.


"As ye think so shall it be."

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Originally posted by Yeti

you aren't doing anything wrong, just keep trying your luck with the women.


Oh yeah. Brilliant plan. Just keep doing exactly what you've been doing the last eleven times and guaranteed things will change. What was that quote from Einstein Tony? :rolleyes:

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i like how you told us to discuss.

im sorry you are getting stalked, that is no fun at all. but you know, you obviously are able to get women, while some men have that trouble of not getting any. so there is something to be happy about, right?

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Sadly, I never noticed the trend... or fork in the road, per se until I typed out my post... then I did some hard thinking to come up with the numbers.


This is not something I dwell on or have even given it much thought until now. Even after a while I just forgot about it.


Thanks for the tips guys. I know that there are others who are having problems finding dates et al; however, for some reason unbeknownst to me, I do fairly well and don't spend too much time hunting.... these things always hit you when you aren't looking.


I do find it odd that the very girls I reject are always comming back for more as the ones I like seem to be leaving me. I'm starting to think that that's the way life is and someday I'll meet the right one who'll compliment me just fine.


As of now I am just way too picky and being 28, I can afford to be that way for a little while longer... but picky is good.

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Originally posted by Tony

Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing something the same way repeatedly yet expecting a different result.


2 + 2 = 4

2 + 2 = 4

2 + 2 = 4

2 + 2 = 4

... oh what's this

2 + 2 = 5


just because doing something the same way repeatedly does not nessasarily mean you will get the same result every time...


Oh yeah. Brilliant plan. Just keep doing exactly what you've been doing the last eleven times and guaranteed things will change.


and we are talking about relationships here and his personality, do you expect someone to so easily change how he acts so easily because of advice he is given? no, there is no guarantee things will change, but he can hope for the best. hope that the next girl that he meets is the girl that is exactly what he's looking for...

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Originally posted by Yeti

and we are talking about relationships here and his personality, do you expect someone to so easily change how he acts so easily because of advice he is given? no, there is no guarantee things will change, but he can hope for the best. hope that the next girl that he meets is the girl that is exactly what he's looking for...


So true.

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Originally posted by rayray

It seems odd that every single relationship I have starts the same way, end the same way and it's always with the same type of girl.


Case in point:


Every girl that I have dated and really, really liked from the first time I ever met her; therefore, saw potential in, has always started off slow, never went anywhere and I always ended up getting dumped.


This has happened six times in the past couple of years and I'm about to get dropped by #7 (if I haven't been written off already) any day now.





#8 is more promising.

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I'm about to get dropped by #7

I'm starting to get involved with a #11


Perhaps this is your problem. The one you like #7, knows about #11, the one you are doomed to hate. Whats you deal- why you lineing up a number 11 when you have a number 7.

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Originally posted by Goatsbreath

I'm about to get dropped by #7

I'm starting to get involved with a #11


Perhaps this is your problem. The one you like #7, knows about #11, the one you are doomed to hate. Whats you deal- why you lineing up a number 11 when you have a number 7.


Burninated = Dumped

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Yes, but burninated was not in your original post. Just the possibility....you said you were thinking you were about to be dropped by number 7(good ones). Then later you said you were starting to get involved with number 11(bad ones). Im just saying that if number 11 comes along that quick for you then number 7 probably seen her waiting at the door.

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