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Starting to have feeling for a new friend


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Hello, I need some advise and have nobody to really talk to about this.

There is this guy i met over a month ago at work. The first time i really noticed him i was in the breakroom at work getting something to eat.Well as soon as i went in there he came in right behind me and i struck up a conversation with him about about something at work.Well we talked about it and later that day he came buy to see if what he helped me with worked and i said yes.. thanks.

So as the days go by i become attracted to him and he seems to be everywhere i go.When he see's me he just smiles so much to me and always watching me.

Well one day we introduced ourselves to each other and he was telling me about he workes part time there and he lost his own business about a year ago and was having to do this job until he finds another job. I was telling him i was having a rough time with a full time job too with the economy and all.

This past week i seen him again and we chatted some and i noticed his friend smiling to me and him when we were talking.I really don't know why he was smiling at us so much, but i have the feeling that this guy i have my eye on said something to his friend about me. Then we all 3 started laughing.

I know i sound like a teenager with a huge crush on this guy but i am 45 and i believe he is in his 40's.He has 2 children ages 11 and 12.

I was telling him about my son that is in the military, that i miss him and he just left out of the country about 3 weeks ago. He seems like he was very caring and gave me some advise about missing him and all.

How can i tell if this guy is really interested in me or just being friendly ?

I can tell by the way he looks in my eyes that there is something going on with this.

Yes i am attracted to this guy and i do believe he is attracted to me too.

I want to really get to know him but how do i go about this ?

Thanks so much !!


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Well it sounds like a good friendship at this point but that is not a bad thing. It sounds like he's probably interested and maybe wondering all the same about you. But it's hard to tell about a person I don't know personally.


I say ask him for a drink or a bite to eat after work one day and see how he reacts to it, then go from there. Make it sound kind of casual and if he acts estatic about it, that's a good sign. If he says he can't but can on another day, then suggest another time. I think the best and only way to feel it out is to interact outside of work, but be careful because you know what they say about co-workers and dating and how it can be a sticky situation sometimes.

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I am just going to wait and see if he ask me.. I don't want to act pushy or anything.I am not that good at making the first move on a guy that i am not sure if he is more interested in more than friendship. I am going to try to play it cool. lol


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I am just going to wait and see if he ask me.. I don't want to act pushy or anything.I am not that good at making the first move on a guy that i am not sure if he is more interested in more than friendship. I am going to try to play it cool. lol




That sounds like a fine plan. But since you seemed so anxious to know what he's thinking, that's why I suggested asking him about happy hour, maybe even a group of people that includes him, so it's done in a way that isn't exactly "making a move". From that point you can just sit back and see what happens, and possibly get a better clue of his interest. You treat it like co-workers having a drink, not a date. Maybe that sounds sneaky and like too much work but if you have the patience to wait a while longer instead, then great!


You can also just use "take the bull by the horns" approach, step out of your comfort zone a little, and just ask him about happy hour without worrying about how he'd interpret this. You have nothing to lose because if he said "no" that might be a clue; if he said yes, an even better clue. Women hold back on making the 1st move because of the rejection factor. But keep in mind you never know if your crush happens to be that kind of guy as well. So if anything, something along the lines of my idea may or may not give HIM a clue that you are interested and lead him to feel more confident. All just options that I don't think could be damaging in any way. But the best thing is to do what you feel is the most right, bottom line..keep us up to date.

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