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I chatted with my bf online only he didnt know it was me

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I am so mad i dont know what to do. When i was over his house I logged on his computer to check my mail and noticed he had another s/n aside from the one i known him has. I was surprised, because it wouldnt seem he would have too, anyway like anygirl i memorized it, it was a easy name, well anyway when i got off line I asked him about the name and he played dumb and said I dont know an i got the feeling someone feels guilty about this s/n. Eventhough i memorized the s/n i wasnt gonna actually invade in his privacy unless he gave motive. Anyhow i got home, added that name to the buddy list to see how often he signs on. sure enough he signs on often and even be in chatrooms. i remember when we first were dating he said he had fun teasing people online, but that was 3yrs ago an if your anything like me, if your in love you have no desire to chat with others in certain ways. anyhow i managed to logged on a differ s/n he didnt know into the room. we chatted for an hour and i wanted to ring his neck. he was killing me talking to him with out going off. there was no dirty talk, just regular talk about getting to know each other, i ask the commons questions single? kids? and ofcourse his lying ass said no hes free. he lied so well it was scary, anyhow i need advice how to approach him. we been together 3yrs and have a daughter and im currently pregnant. this conversation really bothered me because it can easily progress into more and i couldnt believe how he lied and how long he actually talked to me until i acted like i was psycho because i was getting so upset. sometimes when your man lies you need to let it slide so that you can catch him with a bigger lie, but i need help cause all i see is red and i want to tear him apart ,but this is deffintly something i wouldnt try to let go, i just need to know how to approach him or what do you think of the situation, got any ideas?

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I'd be tempted to scare the tar out of him!


Let's assume the "fatal attraction" scenario. Lonely, desperate female stalking her potential on-line soul mate.


Tell him you've discovered his address and have been sitting outside his apartment for days. Describe his vehicle, his address. Heck, tell him you snuck into the apartment/house and proceed to describe it in detail! Tell him you know where he works and what time he comes and goes. Tell him you introduced yourself to his boss and even telephoned his mother. Ask him who that woman is he's been hanging out with. Ask him if he'd like you to come over and cook him some rabbit for dinner!


Of course, the more sensible thing to do is to just come out and ask him ... But what FUN would that be? ;)

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I would just confront him about it and tell him everything you have just told us. I mean, see what his explanation is. I would say dump him, but since you have kids together, that's not a good idea. You need to try to get to the bottom of this and figure out why he is going into these chatrooms. You just need to talk to him. You two need to establish a common trust between each other because trust is the glue that holds a relatioship together - that and communication. So you need to confront him and find out why he is doing this and then go from there.

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I want to thank everyone for their feed back, i spoke to my bf and it turns out someone else was using his s/n. WHich i by the way investigated and came to the resolution that it is true. We have trust in our relationship, but i trust no one 100% and if something doesnt add i refuse to be blind to it by not checking it out. Other than this he has giving me no reason tothink he was cheating. Its just something didnt add up and i had to find out for myself. I thank yall for you remarks.

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Well, I think you still have a bit of a problem...


What the heck are you having kids with this guy when he doesn't marry you, or live with you???? If he's man enough to have sex and father children, I hope he's man enough to actually be a father to your children...


Just my observation though...

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I also think you both are playing games. He for having another screen name and you for testing it out. Why didn't he tell you right away that he had another screen name and someone else was using it? I had a boyfriend that use to do the same with me. I feel that no matter what, if you are in a mature, healthy and committed relationship, you shouldn't have to play these types of games. Relationships should be loving and giving, not about mis trust and game playing.....


Just my two cents worth.



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