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Just "how" what we eat effects our skin, and what foods promote healthy skin

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One of the posts by d.stevens caught my attention:


Well if you have a continued oil problem. two things:


1 ~ your age could be a consideration. (teens, and young adults deal with this often)


2 ~ Your diet could be a huge factor. What do you eat?


Fortuneately, I don't have oily skin. Instead I'm battling to keep it moisturized!


But I was wondering just "how" what we eat effects our skin, and what foods promote healthy skin, and which foods one should try to avoid??


For instance, some people will say to avoid chocolate, while others say it has no effect on your skin at all.


Confusing! :confused:

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The dietary impact on healthy skin is fairly simple. When your diet is lacking in nutrients, whether it be due to poor food choices or insufficient calories (which may be the case in a fat loss approach), you inherently weaken the body. This includes the immune system. When the immune system is weak, infection is more likely to occur. Breakouts are nothing more than localized bacterial infection that the immune system was unable to eliminate.


Focus on a decent diet (outlined elsewhere) and the food portion of it will not likely be an issue.


Of course, this does not take into consideration food allergies and other genetic/environmental causes.

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