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I don't know what is going on!

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I've written before: http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t168647/


Things seemed to be going well after I finally told him I had feelings for him but he began going MIA again after we went out one night and he insisted on wanting me to stay the night and make love to me. I was a little leary but I let it happen because I love him dearly.


He then disappeared for weeks. If I tried to text him or call him he would be very short and mean.


Finally, I confronted on whether or not we were going to be together or should I just move on. His response was short and very mean, he told me I should know better than to ever have a serious conversation with him when he's drunk.


First of all, his feeling have been expressed sober and drunk. Secondly, I have never been the one having serious conversation it's always him. Lastly, he knows what he says to me drunk. I can understand a couple of drunk dials that you might not remember but six years worth of this crap over and over to the point where his family and friends express that he is in love with me? I can't buy that. His response to this was, drunk again and I think we just shouldn't talk anymore.


I sent him an email saying how he broke my heart and hurt me deeply. He ended up simply saying he was sorry and would never want to hurt me or have me out of his life.


What the hell is his problem? Do 32 year old men act this way? How can you show in every way that you are in love with someone then just run like the wind?

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Oh lordy!


Do yourself a favour.

Move way out of his life and go complete, total No Contact.


You are his yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo....


He can play you like a fish on a line.


Cut loose, swim free and leave him empty-handed on the shore.



No, really.

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Oh lordy!


Do yourself a favour.

Move way out of his life and go complete, total No Contact.


You are his yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo....


He can play you like a fish on a line.


Cut loose, swim free and leave him empty-handed on the shore.



No, really.


I second that motion!

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