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Just some thoughts


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Now that I am a free woman I don;'t know what to do with myself. I got a rebound but, I still don't feel that little peice of happyness is fullfilled. Me and, him still talk all of the time but, we fight all the time. I think I just feel anger towards him and, things will never be the same! He says I've changed but, I don't think so its him who has changed. We drive each other crazy! But he makes me mad more than I make him mad. Every time we fight I find myself running to him saying sorry. I've learned now to be more of a bich! I don't call him, abd really don't talk to him on line he comes to me. So I think I will just be unhappy for a while. I thought I had the most perfect guy but, as soon as things went on he changed, and i wish I would have known then what i know now! I have lost a freind and a boyfriend. So I don't know thanks for reading this. If you woud like to give me your opion go for it.

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Now that I am a free woman I don;'t know what to do with myself. I got a rebound but, I still don't feel that little peice of happyness is fullfilled. Me and, him still talk all of the time but, we fight all the time. I think I just feel anger towards him and, things will never be the same! He says I've changed but, I don't think so its him who has changed. We drive each other crazy! But he makes me mad more than I make him mad. Every time we fight I find myself running to him saying sorry. I've learned now to be more of a bich! I don't call him, abd really don't talk to him on line he comes to me. So I think I will just be unhappy for a while. I thought I had the most perfect guy but, as soon as things went on he changed, and i wish I would have known then what i know now! I have lost a freind and a boyfriend. So I don't know thanks for reading this. If you woud like to give me your opion go for it.



you've obviously come out of a long relationship. Even if this was your choice, I'm surprised that you can expect to feel "fulfilled". You did have feelings for him, or else you wouldn't have been with him. You cannot switch emotions off like a tap.


There were obviously problems in the relationship, and over time anger and resentment appears to have grown on both sides. This is most likely b'cos you both behaved in ways that "disappointed" the expectations of the other person.


This was never resolved- the problems have escalated over time, and you both approach them in the same fashion- arguing.


It sounds as if the relationship is over. If not, you should both go to a counsellor and understand how to break the vicious circle you are both locked into, otherwise nothing will be resolved.


Otherwise, don't call him, don't write, don't return calls- just get on with your life, and let him get on with his.

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Now that I am a free woman I don;'t know what to do with myself. I got a rebound but, I still don't feel that little peice of happyness is fullfilled. Me and, him still talk all of the time but, we fight all the time. I think I just feel anger towards him and, things will never be the same! He says I've changed but, I don't think so its him who has changed. We drive each other crazy! But he makes me mad more than I make him mad. Every time we fight I find myself running to him saying sorry. I've learned now to be more of a bich! I don't call him, abd really don't talk to him on line he comes to me. So I think I will just be unhappy for a while. I thought I had the most perfect guy but, as soon as things went on he changed, and i wish I would have known then what i know now! I have lost a freind and a boyfriend. So I don't know thanks for reading this. If you woud like to give me your opion go for it.



People don't really change. Here's my view on what happens a lot.


All of us want to be attractive, and we want people to be interested in us. So we put on "our best show", so to speak, to attract people. And some people go to more extreme than others. And basically, those people are not the people they're portraying themselves to be. And sooner or later, the "real them" shines through.


Now there are other issues involved also. Attitudes have a lot to do with who a person is. Possesiveness is an attitude. And many times, you hear people say, "she's my girlfriend", or "He's my boyfriend". People are not property.


You know, I've wanted to bring this subject up for a long time. I guess now is as good of time as any.


What is the meaning of "boyfriend", or "girlfriend" anyway. Is it just a term of address? Like when you are talking to someone, And you say, "My boyfriend.........". The term needs to be there so that person will know who you're talking about.


But people take that term to extremes. Many peole get it in their heads that because "He's my boyfriend", noone else can have him. And the same goes for guys when referring to their girlfriends. Neither of those terms mean commitment. But many people think they do.


But then they start talking about commitment. Saying things like they aren't ready for a commitment yet. But dating someone exclusively is a commitment, whether people want to believe it or not.


And true commitments happen naturally when you fall in love. Once you fall in love, you have no desire to go out with other people. It won't work to try and force someone to commit to you or force yourself to commit to someone.


You'll never find happiness that way. The best thing to do is have fun dating. And date as many people as you like. Enjoy people's company, and have fun being with them. Your chances of finding love are much greater if you do that.


But you have to make sure that you don't go "looking for love". I don't know many people who have found love by looking for it.

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