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A girl, her sister, and a possible problem.

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I have an interseting situation and would like some opinions. I have know this girl (lets call her Amy for story's sake) for a while and would just say hi and small talk everytime I saw her. Eventually we exchanged phone numbers and began talking. I eventually asked her to hang out with with me and buddy one night and she said yes to which we had a good time. We kept texting and talking for a few days and I asked her to hang out again later that week to which she said yes.


The next day Amy said she couldn't because she had plans with her sister for her birthday. I was a little down but understood the situation. Two days later Amy asks if I want to join her and her sister (on her birthday) since they changed plans and would like to have me there. I made sure it was okay and joined them. Since then everytime we hang out its the three of us (Amy, Amy's sister and myself), which I dont mind too much because we get along great and have fun. The exception was once when Amy and I did have one night where we hung out alone and had fun. Keep in mind that Amy and I are just friends hanging out but with some obvious chemistry (as mentioned to us by various people).


Well tonight we (Amy, her sister and I) were out again and I noticed something odd. Amy and I would always flirt, hug, touch etc. The basic signs you get when people have some interest. Well the last few times Amy had backed off slighty with the flirty behaviour while her sister has begun to touch me and make flirty comments towards me. The two even joke about me being with one or the other right in front of me. Needless to say I'm getting a little confused at this point.


Well we reach the end of the night and I go to hug each one and say goodnight when Amy's sister asks if I want to go to the mall with her tomorrow since she doesn't like shopping alone. I mention that I'm not to sure about it since I'm not sure what I have to do yet. I wasn't really thinking much about it until I noticed Amy became distant and uninterested to point that she was flipping through a magazine with no intention of actually reading anything almost upset with the situation.


Sorry for the long story but my questions are.


What is going on here?

Why would Amy begin to back off?


I am honestly just considering backing away from this whole thing because I feel I'm not getting the full story, but I also dont want to be involved in a situation where I could possibly be the cause for a major problem between sisters who are very close. Any advice would be apprieciated.

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You could always ring Amy up and ask her, if she'd go out with you.


Then, you'd get a better picture.


There's an awful lot to be said for communication, you know....:rolleyes:

All you'll get from us is hypothesis.


Wouldn't it be better to get it form the horse's mouth - so to speak? :)

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