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My Husband Slept with my 14yr old sister and got her pregnent

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Wow. I'm really sorry to hear about this my heart goes out to you. Do you have any family that can help you cope with this? What about therapy for yourself and your daughter? Gosh, I'm real sorry. Try to keep your chin up you'll get through this.



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Have you told the police?


Dial 911, then dial a divorce lawyer, then a counsellor.


By the way, why was your sister having unprotected sex? Has she had sex education and been told about STDs etc? Was she forced/raped or was it consensual?


Either way, this is pretty darn serious.

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Jersey Shortie

I second that. Animals don't do the kind crap humans do to each other. And certainly not with the same malicous intent. Even in fighting, they are protecting themselves.

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